For 11 years now, I've ranted, cajoled and begged for the world of horse racing to See it This Way, that women must participate fully in the sport in order for it to grow and thrive--both in the United States...
Please Help Stop Gerald (Jerry) Herron, a Horse Killer. NOW.

Dear Friends,In upstate New York--just a few miles from our renowned and elegant Saratoga Race Course, an evil man named GERALD (JERRY) HERRON has been abusing horses for years. He abuses and neglects all the other animals on his "farm,"...
Keeneland’s “Boutique” Breeders’ Cup, and Dorsal Fins on Catfish

Effective immediately, I'm giving up my previous mission, of working to create a horse racing media empire and striving to help women become fully part of the sport's media landscape. In my heart, that mission served as the foundation for... Growing the f!lly Racing Media family, one URL at a time…

I shan't go into much detail--you can find the details elaborately laid out on the pages of my new website.Yes, on Wednesday, September 10trh, a new horse racing cyberdestination was foaled, and her name is ......
Horse Racing Boards: Flip that Script to Reflect Demographic Reality.
The curtain has come down.The Saratoga race meet is over.Tom Durkin has left the building.For all intents and purposes, now it is the Autumn Racing Season, and with it come Belmont, Keeneland, Breeders' Cup, etc.So today's the first day of...