So, I called the United Nations today. I wanted to know if indeed today was International Day of the Horse. Like a bear fighting her way out of a thicket, I punched away at 1s and 2s and 4s until finally I spoke with an actual human being.
Tragic Fire Claims Life of Man and Four Horses
Terrible news has come to our attention through several sources: a local family in Sand Lake, NY was affected by a tragic barn fire last night (12/12/13). Keith Meissner, lost his life braving the burning building in an attempt to rescue the horses inside. The barn is a complete loss and four horses also died in the fire.
The local horse community is coming together to help. One of the groups helping is Show Off Equine. Show Off Equine is collecting donations for the family. They say on their FB page “the victims lost so much so quickly, and while no amount of money can replace their loved ones, we are hoping our efforts can at least assist them in caring for their surviving horses and rebuilding.”
Anyone wishing to make a contribution can do so via PayPal (ShowOffEquine@gmail.com), writing a check (made payable to SHOWOFF EQUINE and indicate Victims of West Sand Lake Barn Fire on the memo line) and mailing it to: Show Off Equine, 195 Clipp Rd. Delmar, NY 12054, or by “PMing” them on Facebook to make other arrangements. Also, anyone wishing to donate feed, buckets, blankets, etc. can drop those off to The Equine Clinic at OakenCroft in Ravena. Stay tuned for other fundraising efforts for this family. Please share and cross-post this information by following this link
White Horse of Uffington
courtesy of www.hows.org.uk
Her Royal Highness Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein, 2010
courtesy of her office.
Horse Noses
M.E. Altieri
Hilal Al Zaman
courtesy of Dr. Mohammad Bin ‘Abdul-‘Aziz Al-Nujaifi
Wren Marshall and Secret
courtesy of Wren Marshall and Secret