My peeps. I know you love horses. You wouldn’t be reading the ramblings of this crazy Broad, if you weren’t a horse lover. So you know that I’m obsessed, too.

But Love without action is useless.
If we say that we love someone–we talk about it all the time–blog about it–post photos of our beloved all Facebook–“like” everything that s/he posts–but wouldn’t walk across the street if that person was strangling on a chicken bone–HOW can we call that, Love?
It’s not.

Action is the evidence of Love.
You love horses. I love horses. So I’m telling you today–Tuesday, August 27, 2013–that four Arabian horses in Washington State need homes, ASAP.
They look like racing Arabians, to me.
Regardless if they’re show or racing Arabs, the bottom line is that the slaughterhouse has their names and is counting the minutes until these beautiful geldings get strung up by the hooves and exsanguinated, alive.

We cannot save every horse on Earth, but we may be able to save these four.
Only $400 apiece–the same price that a killbuyer–you know, those evil people who are on their way to Hell?–the same price that a killbuyer would pay.
For four-hundred bucks, a horse’s life can be saved, and you can get the best friend you’ll ever have. For $1600, you can have FOUR best friends.
Please do me–do the horses–a favor. Time IS of the essence.

Share this information with everyone you know, everyone you can. Thank you so much. God bless you.