There are writers, and then there are writers.
Some writers take a deep breath, and plunge into the frightening, long journey toward being published as an author. A real book. The focus and drive that it takes to create a book is nearly unfathomable–the perseverance and depth of soul that it takes to write a book that’s worth reading–well, that’s nearly an otherworldly gift.
MaryAnn Myers is one such author. I want you to meet her and to experience her books because she’s a gifted, knowledgeable, compassionate author.
And because women should support each other in our endeavors.
And because horse racing is a primo example of an industry that’s in dire need of women rising up–standing with each other–and seizing the opportunity to change the world.
You see…Recently I heard that the simple definition of Feminism is to “…take another woman with you.” This is the purpose of f!lly Magazine and the f!lly Movement: we want to take other women with us, and to introduce you to women in racing whom you should know. If you’re not already a rabid fan of equestrian/horse rescuer/environmentalist/thoughtful-citizen-of-the world, MaryAnn Myers–you’re really missing something grand. MaryAnn’s a prolific author, whose books will bless, intrigue and fascinate you. Her most recent, “Barn 14: Meg’s Meadows” is the latest in her Winning Odds Series…
MaryAnn Myers is an equestrian; a lover of all horses; fan of racing; horse trainer and environmentalist. A lauded author, she could just rest on her laurels and collect royalties. But MaryAnn has something to say–precisely because she does love the sport of horse racing, and the magnificent, loving, gentle equine athletes without whom it could not happen.
Barn 14: Meg’s Meadows is the third book in her Winning Odds Series, following in the hoofprints of the series’ first two magnificent tomes, Odds On Favorite: Nottingham Downs and Favored to Win. If somehow you’ve neglected to buy these two other books and inhale them, whole–you’ve missed a great deal. (But don’t worry–Barn 14: Meg’s Meadows stands on its own–you need not be afraid to buy it, thinking that you’re coming late to the game.)
Barn 14: Meg’s Meadows takes a hard look at the Thoroughbred racing industry–a decision that no doubt was difficult to make. Those of us who love horses obsessively and who love also horse racing inspect ourselves and our motives every day–so I believe that I understand the Yes and No that MaryAnn went through when writing her newest book.
“I love Thoroughbreds, I love the racetrack, but…” says Myers.
“We need to examine the practices of old and re-evaluate the new standards. We need to always, and I mean always, put the horses’ and jockeys’ safety first. Racing is all about winning, yes, as with most competitive sports. But it is also about the integrity of the sport. Owners and trainers need to be held accountable for the Thoroughbreds they breed and own. These horses run their hearts out, because that’s what they were bred to do and that is what they love. But they have no choice of where to go after they are no longer competitive. That is where the integrity of ownership comes in. Everyone involved needs to make a commitment up front to the long respectful life of that Thoroughbred. It’s as simple as that.”
Yes, it is as simple as that. MaryAnn’s right–and she’s written a book that’s compelling, fascinating and a darned-good read. I’d much rather read the constructive criticism of a racing fan who knows what she’s talking about, than the uninformed blather of an outsider, wouldn’t you? If we who really love the horses who give us so much joy on the track don’t work together to change the industry and to compel compassion–then how can we really claim to love those horses?
It is not enough to love the race, but not the athlete. The horses don’t stop living after the last race of the day, or the last race of their careers. We all are responsible for their welfare–they’re living beings, people. Everyone along the line–trainers, owners, jockeys and yes, the fans–are responsible to see to it that every single horse who retires from racing lives out her life in a loving, nurturing environment. This is IMHO, of course–perhaps I digress, maybe not. But I do believe that I’m on the same page as MaryAnn Myers and her mission of changing the world for the better via her books and by example.
(Regarding the above: Yes, I had to editorialize–that’s what I do.)
MaryAnn Myers isn’t afraid to put it out there on the line--and to remind us that, without The Horse–there would be no horse racing.
If you don’t run out today and buy Barn 14: Meg’s Meadows–you’re missing the best summer read of 2013. If you don’t make the trek to Saratoga this Sunday evening, August 4th, to meet MaryAnn–you’ll miss out on oh, so much. (To meet an author of MaryAnn’s caliber, passion and talent–and to discuss horses, horse racing and share that joy and concern–that is an opportunity that doesn’t come along every day.)
…and just for the record, here are some facts about the book’s popularity, already:
Barn 14 – Meg’s Meadows is the #1 Hot New Release in Kindle Horse Racing Books and Equestrian Sports Books. It is the #1 Bestseller in Horse Racing Kindle Books. All three books in the Winning Odds Series are in the TOP TEN Kindle Horse Racing Books and TOP TEN Kindle Equestrian Sports Books.

And, some f!lly Food for Thought:
You know, until we womenfolk truly think of ourselves as a community–it doesn’t matter that we’re the majority of the fan base. Queen Bees look out only for themselves: Alpha Mares look out for their entire herds. We should all aim to become Alpha Mares, and nuke the Queen Bee Syndrome that’s so prevalent in our society. Our voice won’t be heard until we actually support each other. Simply “liking” a book, an author, a magazine, a movement, on Facebook–doesn’t do a thing. (I’m grateful for all those who “like” f!lly Magazine, and I’m delighted when you “like” MaryAnn Myers’ book. Thank you!)
Now, the next steps toward building a healthy, genuine community of women in horse racing:
* Please share this with as many women and woman-supporting men in racing as you know.
* Then, step away from FB.
* Turn off the computer.
* Go to Impressions on June 22–and really SHOW MaryAnn that you like her as an author–that you really like her book–and that you ARE part of the f!lly Movement.
Thank you, and…May the Alpha Mare be with you.
WHO: Author, MaryAnn Myers
WHAT: Book signing, Barn 14: Meg’s Meadow
WHEN: Sunday, August 4, 2013, 6:30 – 8:30PM.
WHERE: Impressions of Saratoga, Broadway and Phila Street, Saratoga Springs, New York, USA
WHY: Because–you love horses. You love books. You love MaryAnn Myers’ many good works of great love, and her writing. You love Impressions of Saratoga. Because you want to support women in horse racing. Too many reasons Why, I can’t think of any reasons Why Not.
HOW: Car, bus, boat, motorcycle, train, tractor-trailer, horse van, roller skates, hands-and-knees.
(MaryAnn Myers’ amazing farm, saving horses and the environment.)
(Mare Barker’s shop, the best store in all of Saratoga.)