Every now and then, someone writes a book that I love. Less-often, someone pens a tome to which I can relate, directly, and cry my way through to the end. "Flying Change: A Year of Racing and Family and Steeplechasing" by...
BlueApplePuceHo in the Third? Respectful Horse Names Only, Please…
I am fascinated by popular culture: the fact that so many nice, otherwise-intelligent people have (or make) the time to follow "reality" shows (which have nothing to do with reality, at all), and to give a tiny rat's patootie about...
Handicapping for Poets: Want Fun? Forget What You Know, Bet What You Feel.
I'm not a professional handicapper, but I play one on the Internet.I've never been a scientific sort: things like speed figures don't make sense to me. And past performances, I defenestrate them, too, because--as y'all must know about me, by...
Book Review: “Six Weeks in Saratoga,” by Brendan O’Meara

SIX WEEKS IN SARATOGAHow Three-Year-Old Filly Rachel Alexandra Beat the Boys and Became Horse of the Yearby Brendan O'MearaISBN13: ISBN13: 978-1-4384-3941-9Excelsior Editions (State University of New York Press, Albany, New York, 257 pages, $27)I like writing book reviews, because I love reading...
Saratoga Race Course: Field of Dreams. Still.

Last September, I posted this on this 'site. My wrap-up for the Saratoga season. But the season is about to begin again, and I feel compelled to remind myself (and maybe you) why Saratoga--America's oldest and most revered race course--is...
How to Grow Horse Racing? Don’t Put the Cart Before the Horse.
Opening Day 2012 at Saratoga Race Course is upon us. This exciting time of year actually makes me pensive, as I consider once again ways to help grow our sport. I write about this industry, and I love the horses and...