I don't use ant traps, so I got used to seeing a few ants around, until one day our cleaning company - A Plus Cleaning Service in Glens Falls left me a note that said "we noticed some ants so...
Your Skin Your Largest Organ Deserves to Eat Organic and My Secret Affordable Skincare Product!
My good friend and health advisor said, it's funny how so many people bother buying organic but don't think twice about slathering our largest organ (the skin) with known carcinogens. Would you like to know the best and least expensive...
Can they walk? Toss the sippies and plastic!
When I saw my nutritionist guru take away the plastic cup I gave her 3 year old and replace it with a glass, I thought, let's see how long it takes for that to spill and sure enough my kids...
Bananas and Peanut Butter, the perfect fast food, frozen or not!

In the summer time, we make Banana pops, we get craft sticks, cut bananas in half and cover them in a peanut butter and drizzle dark chocolate on top for a healthy treat. In the winter, my kids love plain...
How to Make Homemade Chicken Broth – A Healthy Mom’s Staple

Chicken broth is incredibly healthy and is a must as a staple for your kitchen, every time we have a chicken roaster, I make chicken stock and freeze it for use in soups, for making quinoa or rice or as...
Mommy – What can I have to eat?

Do your kids constantly ask "what can I have to eat?" and you respond for the five millionth time with a list as they keenly listen hoping that you'll mention a specific snack? When summer started and the kids were...