As a parent trying to keep kids healthy, I’m always looking for ways to reduce sugar. At the same time, I don’t want them to feel deprived. So I make them mixed drinks. We invested in a soda water maker and I will make club soda and mix it with a little of their favorite organic juices. This way they get a full cup to drink but it really limits the sugar.
I especially love Pomegranate and Club. Pomegranite juice is full of antioxidant tannins, polyphenols, and anthocyanins which are all good things to keep you healthy! Studies suggest that pomegranate juice improve blood flow in patients with heart disease, helps prevent the hardening of arteries and can even slow the progression of prostate cancer,
When buying Pomegranite juice don’t be fooled unless it says 100% pomegranite juice, it is probably mixed with lots of other juices.
Enjoy your mixed drinks! Here is to your health!