Do your kids constantly ask “what can I have to eat?” and you respond for the five millionth time with a list as they keenly listen hoping that you’ll mention a specific snack?
When summer started and the kids were home all day, the kids would come to me twice a a day saying “I’m hungry, what can I have to eat.” I believe it’s good for them to have healthy snacks when they are hungry as it keeps their metabolism going (and proof positive they are very thin children). However, the daily question was driving me crazy!
I was tired of going through my mental checklist: applesauce, yogurt, a banana, nuts, cheese, eggs, baked potato …. So I came up with a color coded list of all the snacks and foods my kids liked to eat that were readily available in the house and color coded them as Green (for anytime), Yellow for special occasions and Red (pure junk) for really special occasions. Now my kids just ask me “what color?” and take care of themselves.