When I saw my nutritionist guru take away the plastic cup I gave her 3 year old and replace it with a glass, I thought, let’s see how long it takes for that to spill and sure enough my kids spilled it within 6 minutes.
They were used to sippies and the crowded kids table was just too much.
But then I switched to glass figuring it can’t hurt.. and I was amazed,
since that first spill, it’s been over a two years and we’ve never had a
spill or broken glass.
Besides the fact that most plastic has
BPA’s still, there are countless other reasons to treat your kids to
glass. They learn to be careful, they will have healthier teeth
(sippies lead to cavities) and they won’t get used to nursing a sweet in
a sippy.
Why are BPA’s bad?
BPA is a chemical that can cause your estrogen levels to rise and can cause prostrate cancer in men and for kids it increases their chance of getting asthma according to a study by the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.