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Counselors & Psychotherapists in Saratoga Springs NY

Talk with someone about the problems you are facing! Find Saratoga Springs counseling & psychotherapy offices to make a visit therapist soon. Don't face your troubles alone!

Gerald H. Berger, Ph.D.
Saratoga Springs, NY
Gerald H. Berger, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist at Saratoga Psychological Associates, specializing in using psychotherapy to he... [+More]
Bick Wanck M.D. & Associates
Saratoga Springs, NY
The psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers at Bick Wanck, MD & Associates practice evaluations, testing, counseling, a v... [+More]
Psychological Services, PC
Saratoga Springs, NY
The doctors at Psychological Services, PC offer counseling for children, adults, couples, and families, as well as evaluations, wo... [+More]
Ruby Red Road, the Easy Way Home
Saratoga Springs, NY
Ruby Red Road's Karen Carey is a life and business coach who works with individuals, groups, and teams to help them reach their fu... [+More]
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