Are you worried all the time? Do you struggle with brain fog, chills, muscle tension, digestive distress, and heart palpitations? It’s always important to rule out any physical cause, but when a clean bill of health by your doctor doesn’t soothe your worries or symptoms, you may be suffering from anxiety. Previously, I discussed...
What if…All Your Worrying About Your Health is Health Anxiety?
Every symptom, every heartbeat, every stomach grumble and rumble, every chill…. What if there’s something really wrong? We are living in a world where our amygdalas have been hijacked by negative news and current events. With all that we’ve been through in the past few years, it’s more common than not to be hyper-aware...
Smile, Relax…Two Ways You Can Alter Your Genetic Health for the Better
How often do you laugh? Do you carve out time to relax? I ask you these questions because your answers influence your genetic destiny and health outcomes. We’ve previously explored the science on how integrative medicine (IM) and mindful-based practices have the ability to “turn on” genes that are health promoting and “turn down”...
Changing Our Genes with Mind-Body Medicine: Part II
Previously, I discussed how various lifestyle and integrative medicine (IM) practices have the power to “turn on” genes that promote health and “turn down” cellular processes that are detrimental. Isn’t it cool to know that yoga, meditation, and mindfulness can not only positively benefit your health by calming your mind-body but also through changing...
Purpose and Spirituality in Medicine with Essentially Everything About Essential Oils
Right now, we are in the midst of a fear epidemic. It can be hard to detach ourselves from the addictive nature of the news, social media, and advertising, all of which perpetuate this contagious, negative emotion. Yet, if we stay stuck in this amygdala hijack, it is to our own and society’s detriment....
How Fear Harms the Mind-Body & Using the Power of Hope and Belief to Heal from Trauma: Mindset as Medicine 3
In the previous articles in this series, I’ve highlighted how past traumas can negatively impact our mind and body. Furthermore, the unrelenting stress from the current state of our world can add to these effects. This has led to a rise in mental and physical health issues. We have the opportunity to lessen the...
Dissolving the Mental Blocks to a Positive Mindset Part 2: Rewiring the Brain to Heal from Trauma
Staying positive and looking for the good things in life is challenging during a global health crisis, foreign war, and economic uncertainty. Add in the rise in polarization, social disconnection, and an unprecedented increase in mental health issues and it almost seems impossible. Survival and functioning day-by-day forces most of us to push forward...
Healing the Mental Blocks to a Positive Mindset: Part I
With all the drama and trauma in the world today, it is hard to stay positive and look for the good. Our amygdalas have been hijacked, after all. We may find ourselves in a catch 22 in that we now know that the mind impacts our body and vice versa, but we can’t...
America’s Mental Health Crisis- Why We Need Holistic Help and Overcoming the Barriers to Care
It is becoming crystal clear that mental health is something that needs attention and is just as critical as any medical diagnosis. The impact on the individual and society as a whole is tremendous. Recently, the White House brought attention to the dire state of our struggling nation. According to the government website: Our...
Human Connection & The Eight Benefits of Hugging
We’ve been in a bit of a catch 22 coming into 2022. The benefits of human connection and social support on our emotional and mental health have never been as poignant as it is now. For almost two years, the need for connection and touch has been overpowered by the fear of contagion and...