Elemi essential oil is often overlooked because it is not well-known. Unlike members of its botanical family (Burseraceae), such as frankincense and myrrh, elemi doesn’t get the attention to its benefits it deserves. I tend to befriend the underdog essential oils, and elemi oil is no exception. In my latest post and video, I...
Some Less Common Eating Disorders & A Holistic Approach to Recovery from Eating Disorders
Understanding Eating Disorders Educational Series (Part 6)
Over the course of this series, I have discussed a wide range of subtopics surrounding one’s relationship with food. First, I started with an overview of diet culture. This is because it is important to understand the underlying psychology of our society’s beliefs around food that affect eating behaviors. Concerningly, diet culture’s harmful messages...
Two Types of Eating Behaviors that Look Healthy, but Could be Dangerous
Understanding Eating Disorders Educational Series (Part 5)
Here I go again… In this post, I’m continuing the topic of eating disorders (ED). It may be an unpopular subject and not very trendy, but I’m still going to talk about it. Why would a naturopathic and functional medicine doctor who specializes in mood, women’s health, and gastrointestinal issues still be so focused...
Why I’m Sticking with the Unpopular Topic of Eating Disorders, The Controversial Diet Debates, & More on the Types of Eating Disorders
Understanding Eating Disorders Educational Series (Part 4)
As a naturopathic doctor and functional medicine practitioner who specializes in women’s health, digestive health, and mood support, why am I dedicating so much time posting on eating disorders when it’s not nearly as trendy and popular as say, anxiety or thyroid disorder? I believe the subject doesn’t get enough attention. Nor do we...
A Fatal Mental Health Condition Many Are Ignoring. Do You Have an Eating Disorder?
Understanding Eating Disorders Educational Series (Part I)
If food is nourishment and medicine, what happens when it’s restricted, cut out, and stressed about? For the past few weeks, I have been providing education on diet and wellness culture, food addiction, and eating disorders. After a little break for a two-part essential oils’ podcast blast, it’s now time to return to these...
All About Essential Oils Therapy x 2!
(Access the show notes and the podcast links by clicking here.) We’ve been covering some pretty intense topics the past few weeks in my series on diet and wellness culture, food addiction, and eating disorders. This week, it’s time for a little break. I’m inviting you to sit back, relax, and listen-in to some...
More on Food Addiction: Could You Be a Food Addict? Part II
Wait, you don’t need to stop crunching on that potato chip! You also don’t need to hide your chocolate bar and start shaming yourself because you read my headline. In my recent article and video, I continue to “weigh” the evidence for and against labeling food as an addiction. My goal is to provide...
Is That Potato Chip A Drug? Could You Be a Food Addict?
Unlike alcohol or drugs, food is essential for life. Though some diet culture enthusiasts may disagree, we need a balance and variety of all foods in our diet to thrive physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. Previously, I discussed the damage that diet and wellness culture have had on healthcare and society. I purposely covered...
For the Love of Health: Are You a Victim of Diet Culture and Disordered Eating?
It’s official, diet culture has taken over medicine, media, nutrition, and fitness. Its deceitful messages have etched their way into healthcare and have perpetuated body size stigma, weight bias, and substandard medical care. As concerning, many nutritional and medical experts and fitness gurus are promoting orthorexic and disordered eating practices in the name of...
How Do You Know if You Have Health Anxiety?
Considering that lately many have been overly focused on their bodily symptoms, and that chronic stress can lead to psychiatric issues, I think it’s imperative that we are all mindful of our emotional state. With the current world events and the rise in mental health conditions, now more than ever it is vital to...