With the start of the New Year, people are making resolutions and assessing what areas in their lives need improvement. Many believe that working hard is the only way to achieve these emerging goals. However, I feel there is a kinder, softer way. This is through calming your mind and body to access your...
Holiday Blessings, The Healing Power of Love, and An Aromatic Upliftment for Sparking the Christmas Spirit

As we approach Christmas and many holy and seasonal celebrations, the hecticness of the holiday rush is starting to wind down. Soon, many will be enjoying a space for reflection and a well-deserved pause in their schedule. So, for my clinical tip this week, I offer you a Christmas wish and blessing. It encompasses...
Digestive Herbs, Supplements, Essential Oils, and Mind-Body Techniques to Calm the Gut and Brain During the Holiday Season and Beyond

The holidays are a time of joy and togetherness, but they can also create chaos and overwhelm. Sometimes, the extra obligations, family triggers, and diet culture messages can steal our seasonal cheer and cause emotional and digestive distress. This is why I started a series of tips to help you feel more ease during...
Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Tips for Digestive Health: Natural Ways to Sooth Bloated Bellies and (Holiday) Gut Distress

The extra hustle, bustle, and events leading up to the holidays can result in feeling stressed and overwhelmed. This constant bombardment of to-dos can cause one to feel jaded and to disengage in the festivities. Besides the additional activities and family triggers, diet culture can rob one of the joy of savoring once-a-year yummy...
Holiday Stress That Hits You in the Gut and The Best Essential Oil for Holiday Bloat

We are approaching the celebrations of the most holy days of the year, yet not everyone is taking pause to gently reflect. This is because the time leading up to these gatherings can be hectic, stressful, and loaded with extra commitments. The additional hustle, bustle, and commercialization can prevent one from feeling excitement in...
How to Enhance the Benefits of Gratitude with Essential Oils

The annual American Thanksgiving holiday allows us to take a pause and be with our loved ones. The higher intention is to express our gratitude for our blessings from the past year. To symbolize our abundance, many will gather around the table to enjoy a large, yummy, multi-course feast. Besides allowing ourselves to be...
9 Key Considerations for Integrative Thyroid Care and How Essential Oils Support Thyroid Health

It is critically important to consider the health of our thyroid for our overall wellness. This endocrine gland produces hormones that influence almost all our organs and helps to regulate many of our physiological functions. Due to the thyroid’s far-reaching impacts on our various body systems, having a thyroid disorder can put one at...
How to Fight the Mold That’s Right Under Your Nose: Safely Using Essential Oils Intranasally

What we breathe, eat, drink, apply to our body, and are exposed to can all profoundly impact our wellness. Unfortunately, our world is full of chemicals from everyday life, hiding in our food, water, air, personal care products, and cleaning agents. These compounds can cause imbalances in physiology and lead to illness. Therefore, we...
My Five Favorite Essential Oils to Boost Focus, Attention, and Memory

Essential oils are one of my favorite modalities, because they are so versatile and truly holistic. They can be implemented into any integrative wellness plan for any reason, including for addressing cognitive issues. In my previous video, I reviewed eight main causes of poor focus and how essential oils can aid in remediating the...
Eight Reasons Why You Can’t Focus and How Essential Oils Can Enhance Attention

Recently, many of my posts have been on the topic of improving mental health. This is for three main reasons: We are in the midst of a mental health crisis, and psychiatric diagnoses in our youth are rising in prevalence. The solutions to this acceleration of mental illnesses in our population have been shortsighted....