Last week, I provided an overview of rose geranium essential oil. In it, I summarized some of its many health benefits. These included: beautifying the skin assisting wound healing supporting mood calming the nervous system soothing discomfort and irritated, red tissues acting as an antioxidant making unwanted microbes unwelcome I also reviewed traditional and...
Could You Get Burned by Sippin’ On Sun-Sensitive Essential Oils While Enjoying the Summertime Rays?: Part I

Introduction: Avoiding the Unwanted Phototoxic After-Effects from Fun in the Sun with Essential Oils A few weeks ago, I shared my personal story about the series of unfortunate events stemming from my lax attitude toward the phototoxic potential of certain essential oils. I am embarrassed to admit this isn’t the first time I...
A Warm Welcome to Kunzea Essential Oil! Part I

Introducing Kunzea Essential Oil: The Single Oil That Contains a “Miraculous” Blend I am going to begin with the newest essential oil added to my favorite essential oils list. Kunzea essential oil is produced from the steam distillation of the leaves and green branchlets of plants unique to the southern coasts of Australia...
My Story of a Sunny Event with an Unfortunate Phototoxic Outcome with Lemon Essential Oil

Lovin’ the Summer Sun and Essential Oils… Without Experiencing the Burn! A few weeks ago, I was visiting my wonderful mom and, of course, the topic of essential oils was brought up. Well, it was I that began the oils discussion. I proceeded to share with her a very unfortunate outcome to a very...
Which Essential Oil to Choose… for You… for That?

Putting It All Together & the Final Points on Essential Oils and Synergism Listen to the audio version in 4 minutes here. For the past month, I’ve been reviewing the three factors to consider when choosing an essential oil for a specific issue or wellness goal. It began with a “simple list” and...
Digging Deeper into the Concept of Synergy and Essential Oils

Essential Oils Synergy and Medication: Part II We are in the final stretch of completing our three factors to consider when choosing an essential oil. For several weeks, I have discussed the first two concepts: the complexity and diverse actions of essentials oils and their individualized and epigenetic effects. Most recently, I began...
Digging Deeper into the Three Most Import Factors to Consider When Choosing an Essential Oil: Factor Two

When addressing anything physical or with the mind it’s imperative to realize the limitations with searching for the answer in research, a blog, experts’ advice, and in media hype regarding essential oils. While these suggestions could be helpful in a general way, it is best to consider the science and clinical reports while also...
Essential Oils for Mood Support

Recently, I was published in Natural Path with a two-part series entitled, “Medicating Stress & Depression Away: Search for the ‘Dr. Feel Good’ Pill.” On my homepage, I took a step-back from my article series on hormonal health and essential oils and reviewed these articles. I expressed the urgent need to find solutions...
A Review of the “Estrogenic” Essential Oils: Fennel Oil Part II

Setting the Saga Straight with Science: Hormonal Effects and Essential Oils The Basics on Fennel Oil In my recent series that was spurred by a badly extrapolated study on tea tree and lavender oils, I’ve been reviewing the safety of essential oils for hormonal and whole-body health. I have highlighted the basics on assessing...
Using Natural Approaches and Essential Oils for Relieving Stressed Out Lungs and Sinuses During the Spring Sniffle Season

The Toxic, Stifling Fumes of Our Chemical World This week, I’m taking a little break from my hormone and essential oils’ rampage for a very important and timely breather…natural tips for how to handle the season of spring sniffles! Experts warn that the current increase of fluctuations in temperature and climate condition changes...