As someone with the utmost respect for the uniqueness of every client, I have a strong preference for health systems that consider biochemical individuality. (source, source) In the paper, “The Important Role of Biochemical Individuality,” this term is defined as “the unique nutritional needs each person has based on their genetics, lifestyle, environmental exposure,...
Looking Back at 2018 and Inching Toward Better Health, Hormonal Balance, and Happiness in 2019!

Happy 2019! I hope this year provides you with an exciting and fulfilling journey toward your goals for a more fulfilling life and greater health and happiness. To help you achieve your resolutions for 2019, if you are one of the few who actually made them, I’ve provided some insight on how to be...
Essential Oils for Happier and Calmer Holidays and My Favorite Christmas Blend!

In this post I reveal my favorite essential oils for the holidays. These oils and blends can be diffused and used to make your gatherings more joyful, calm, and bright. You will discover: My favorite “Christmas Blend” that combines cinnamon, spruce, and orange oil. The benefits of eucalyptus and tea tree oil. Why I...
Essential Oils for Supporting Sanity, Spirituality, and Physical Health for the Holidays and Beyond

In an earlier post from my holiday sanity articles, I explored the implications of incorporating spirituality into healthcare due to its associations to better health outcomes. Ancient sacred texts in various traditions have documented using combinations of aromatics to enhance spiritual connection. Due to their many other benefits, essential oils and other integrative modalities...
Wrapping Up on Frankincense Oil & Dealing with Addictions During the Holidays

Last week, I wrapped up our discussion on the many powerful benefits of frankincense (Boswellia sp.). The fact that this oil is accompanied with such numerous and impressive research made it predominate within my series for supporting holiday sanity. I knew the topic of frankincense oil would naturally bring up the question of...
Choosing the Right Species of Frankincense Oil

The Conclusion to the Series on the Cure for Boswellia Bewilderment In my series for keeping you sane and calm during the hectic holiday season, I reported that one of my favorite ways to support physical, emotional, and spiritual health is with the use of the sacred essential oil, frankincense. In doing this, I...
Boswellia Bewilderment- Choosing the Right Frankincense Oil: Part II

Now that the celebration of American Thanksgiving has passed, many find themselves in the midst of the biggest shopping period of the year in preparation for the next holiday! (source, source) Some may have become jaded that the spirit of the season has been overshadowed by consumerism. Regardless of religion or ethnicity, however,...
Boswellia Bewilderment- Choosing the Right Frankincense Oil

Last week I continued with my second tip on making the holidays less stressful by highlighting the emotional and physically soothing aspects of essential oils. I discussed how essential oils are unique in that their odor has an instantaneous effect on our brain’s perception, shifting our mood, and balancing the stress response. Yet, their...
Holistic Tips for a Calmer, Brighter Holiday with the Soul-full Scents of Essential Oils

May Your Days Be Merry and Less Hectic In order to help you have a calmer and brighter holiday, I am creating a series of articles that provides you with tools, tips, and resources for a less stressful season. These posts will provide information on how to soothe the brain and body during these...
Holiday Stress on the Brain and the Soothing Aromas of Essential Oils

Holidays can signify cheer and celebration while simultaneously demanding more than usual. These additional stressors can have systemic effects that can cause havoc and a slew of symptoms. Ever hear the phrase, “stress makes you stupid?” Guess what, it’s a scientific truth! In my latest post, I explore the biochemistry of stressed out brains...