In a previous post, I discussed the importance of optimizing your gut microbiome for hormonal balance. Specifically, I highlighted how the estrobolome, the aggregate of the bacteria in your belly, directly influence hormonal levels through their ability to metabolize estrogens. Many are shocked to learn about this direct relationship between the bugs in their...
The Intrigue of the Estrobolome and Reproductive Microbiome for Hormonal and Sexual Health

In alignment with a whole-systems approach to medicine, the digestive tract is an important area to assess for any health issue, including endocrine health. Many have heard the phrase, “Disease begins and ends in the gut.” This means that no matter what the symptoms a person is having, the gut is involved. I have...
The Naturopathic Gathering of the Year and Dr. Sarah’s Clinical “Ah-ha’s” for the Week

I was fortunate to attend The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) virtual convention this year. I am currently writing a review for a journal but provide a sneak peak on this wonderful gathering of masterminds on my website. Give a look-see and find out how this gathering during a very hectic time in...
New Video: Essential Oils for Brain Health & Stress Relief

In my previous blog, I discussed using essential oils for brain health and decreasing stress. Essential oils are my go-to support modality for my naturopathic medicine clients, myself, and my loved ones due to their holistic effects for supporting the mind-body. This is especially important to be mindful of during this turbulent time. I...
Essential Oils Blends for Promoting Courage, Vision, and Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

Living daily life with high levels of uncertainty and chronic stress is something that is effecting all people on a global scale. (source) I have seen this firsthand with my naturopathic clients. They are reporting feeling more fatigued from everyday activities and overall being “emotionally spent.” Based on current statistics, it appears they are...
Could Essential Oils Help with America’s Unhappiness Problem?

A recent survey of over 2,000 adults found that “Americans are the unhappiest they’ve been in 50 years.” When compared to previous results, more individuals reported being lonely and more parents stated they did not have high hopes for their children’s futures. Unfortunately, this is not surprising based on the recent statistics on the...
Three Essential Oils to Support Moving Forward With More Cheer

It’s not an easy time. We are re-adjusting and re-emerging to a very different world than we knew. This upheaval and temporary abnormal can be trying on the mind and body. Since the beginning of the crisis, many of my naturopathic and functional medicine clients have been reporting that they are feeling exceptionally lethargic...
As Society Re-emerges, Anxiety Increases: How to Cope with the Uncertainty

The threat of an invisible foe, the media’s consistent fearmongering of it, and the disagreements and swaying opinions of scientists has taken a toll on the mental and physical health of the whole world. Legitimate trepidation in venturing forth into society is an everyday boogieman for those who are physically vulnerable, and for those...
The Top Five Essential Oils for Mind-Body and Immune Support

Recently, I have been providing resources for nourishing our minds and bodies to enhance resiliency. With the current state of the world, I have been especially concerned for people’s mental health. In my latest post, I discuss one of my favorite tools for holistic wellness, essential oils. I list five of my favorite...
How Stress Negatively Impacts the Brain & Body and How to Nourish Yourself Back to Health

The negative impact of unrelenting stress is on the rise, especially now. Even before the current crisis, the ongoing strain of everyday life was causing detrimental consequences on society’s overall physical and mental health. (source) As a naturopathic doctor, it is my desire to assist you in navigating through this time of excessive overwhelm...