If your doctor truly wanted to assess all the factors impacting your mental and physical health, they should be asking you about your spiritual health. Along with lifestyle factors, genetics, and other aspects, these practices and beliefs play a powerful role in treatment and wellness results. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been discussing...
How Religion and Spirituality Influence Your Health

How is your spiritual health? Would that question startle you if it came from the mouth of your physician? As a naturopathic doctor, I always inquire about my clients’ spiritual and religious health. I was taught that this information is vital to assessing their beliefs which can influence treatments and wellness outcomes. Unfortunately, the...
Does Religion and Spirituality Belong in Healthcare?

Did you ever consider that your religious and/or spiritual beliefs, or lack of them, could be impacting your health? It’s an infrequent topic covered in wellness and medical blogs or articles. Perhaps this is because we have learned that religion and spirituality are a “hot topic to avoid” if one wants a peaceful discourse....
Supporting Mental and Physical Health During the Stressful Holidays with Naturopathic Medicine and Essential Oils

The holidays are here. Unfortunately, they may bring additional stressors on top of the already overwhelming world events. In fact, the added strain of festivities may even heighten the intensity of emotions that may be triggered by current times. Furthermore, chronic stress can exacerbate and/or lead to more mental health symptoms. This is due...
Essential Oils and Blends to Make the Holiday Season Merrier & Decrease Stress

With the holidays in full swing, it is imperative for us to be well equipped with our essential oils and emotional oil blends. Right now, especially, everyone needs a little bit extra “olfaction fortification.” In my latest article, I share how essential oils can support our mind-body in a variety of ways. I also...
Feeling More Hope and Gratitude During the Stressful Holiday Season

Combining the Holiday Rush on Top of Today’s World’s Events The past few years have been trying. Within this combination of posttraumatic growth and posttraumatic depreciation, the good news is that even with all that continues to bombard us, overall people are beginning to feel more hopeful for a brighter future. In fact, many...
The Hope of Moving into a Better Future

The impact of trauma can bring about various responses. They can range from resiliency to posttraumatic growth (PTG), or to posttraumatic depreciation (PTD). Those with PTD are not fortunate enough to be able come out of trauma better off than prior to the event (PTG), or even able to bounce back to their set...
The After Effects of Trauma – Resiliency, Growth, or Depreciation?

I’ve been focusing obsessively on emotional and mental health for the past few years. The current events have led to a mental health crisis, and many are struggling and suffering in silence. Whereas much attention is being drawn to physical health, brain health is just as important and even mediates our physiology. Combining naturopathic...
Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Naturopathic Medicine Tools to Rewire the Brain and Cope with Anxiety and Uncertainty

Combining the Best Psychiatric Treatments with Naturopathic Medicine for Mental Health The world population is under chronic strain and people’s resiliency and coping skills have been stretched. Sadly, those with previous psychological diagnoses are at more risk for contracting the dreaded disease and triggering additional psychiatric symptoms. Furthermore, those without mental issues prior to...
The After Effects of Trauma: Living in Uncertainty and How to Weave Our Way Out

The unrelenting stress and trials of the past few years seems to be wavering. Although there is some relief in some areas, more issues continue to pop up and weigh on the minds of Americans and the world population. Thankfully, holistic, naturopathic medicine solutions and essential oils can assist with some of the impacts...