(Listen to Full Episode Here.) In this episode of the Essential Oil Revolution, we discuss Alzheimer’s Disease, one of the most feared diagnoses. According to the Alzheimer’s Association: Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia, a general term for memory loss and other cognitive abilities serious enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s...
The Five Elements and Aromatherapy in Season with Rachel Jackson, CYI, LMT, Certified Medicinal Aromatherapist & Educator (Ep. 415)

(Click Here to Listen to Full Episode.) Unlike the conventional view of the four seasonal shifts, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) observes five seasons, with late Summer being the fifth. It is thought that these transitions of our earth help us to tap into what our body needs for healing. They also align with and...
The Importance of Supporting Your Kidneys Holistically with Dr. Jenna Henderson, ND (Ep. 414)

(Click Here to Listen to the Full Episode.) Our kidneys perform various vital functions. These include: The removal of waste products and drugs from the body Balancing our body’s fluids, pH, and electrolytes Releasing hormones that regulate blood pressure Producing an active form of vitamin D that promotes strong, healthy bones Controlling the production...
Transformational Coaching and Aromatics with Melissa Holman, CLC, RA, CECP (Ep. 413)

(Listen to the Full Episode Here.) More and more, people are seeking support to help them navigate through today’s stressful world and to better achieve their goals. In fact, as of 2023, the coaching industry had an estimated market size of $5.34 billion. This is expected to increase to $6.25 billion in 2024. In...
5 Ways Essential Oils Can Support Healthy Hormones Holistically (Ep. 412)

(Click Here to Listen to the Full Episode.) In this episode of the Essential Oil Revolution, I discuss five ways essential oils can support healthy hormones in a holistic and integrative way. Since essential oils have multiple mechanisms of action, and contain hundreds of biological compounds, this podcast could have gone on for an...
The Gut-Brain Link: The Missing Connection to Our Kids’ and Teens’ Mental Health Issues with Dr. Song, MD (Ep. 411)

(Listen To the Full Episode Here.) In this episode of The Essential Oil Revolution, we focus on the current and critical emotional and wellness needs of our children and teens. This is such a vital topic for the future of our world. As you probably are aware, our kids are NOT alright. According to...
How to Support Autism Naturally, with Dr. Jared Skowron, ND (Ep. 410)

(Click Here to Listen to the Full Episode) In this episode of the Essential Oil Revolution, we are joined by an incredible children’s health expert, and my former pediatric professor, Dr. Jared Skowron. We discussed his specialty, how to treat autism naturally. Dr. Skowron is a brilliant, internationally acclaimed pediatric naturopathic doctor, presenter, author,...
Five Important Things to Understand About Essential Oils (Ep. 408)

(Click Here to Listen to the Full Episode.) In this episode of the Essential Oil Revolution, I take a pause to reflect on what I’ve learned about essential oils. This is through the lens of a naturopathic doctor who has used them in her practice for almost 20 years and as the host for...
The Safe and Scientific Use of Aromatherapy for Pregnancy, Women’s Health, Children, and Mental Health with Pam Conrad, PGd, BSN, RN, CCAP (Ep. 407)

(Click Here to Listen to the Full Show.) Using botanicals during pregnancy and in children is controversial in both conventional and integrative medicine. Previously, we had an episode regarding this topic on the Essential Oil Revolution with Dr. Mary Bove. We discussed why it is so important to be especially careful when using essential...
Using Essential Oils and Functional Medicine for Hormone Balance and Sexual Health with The Girlfriend Doctor, Dr. Anna Cabeca, DO, OBGYN, FACOG (Ep. 406)

(Listen to the Full Episode Here) Hormones are tiny yet powerful chemical messengers in our body that impact every organ system. The smallest changes in their levels can profoundly influence our physical and emotional wellness. Having an awareness of how these alterations affect women, and what symptoms, diseases, and conditions they are at risk...