Essential oils are my favorite holistic tools for the mind and body. Through a combination of their powerful aromatic properties and physical compounds, they can immediately shift emotions and impact multiple factors related to the health of the brain. I have been discussing this concept as part of my recent series on using oils...
More on Sage Oil for the Mind, Memory, & More!
For the third article that focuses on essential oils for mental health, I continue with discussing the brain enhancing properties of sage essential oil. Sage oil has impressive evidence in experimental studies to modulate the neurotransmitter acetylcholine for enhancing memory. It has also been validated for this effect in humans. In this latest post,...
The Calm of Lavender Oil & Beyond Keeping the Bugs at Bay with Citronella Oil
This is the fourth article in my series on natural approaches to mental health which focuses on essential oils. In the previous blogs and videos, I discussed how these plant metabolites and their isolates influence our brains’ biochemistry by modulating various cellular pathways and neurotransmitters. Specifically, I reviewed some of the mechanisms of actions...
Essential Oils on Brain Biochemistry 2
I have just released my second post within my series on integrative modalities for supporting mental health that discusses essential oils. The overall goal of all of these articles is to empower both patients and providers with information on how supplements, essential oils, and lifestyle practices can support those who struggle with psychological diagnoses....
One of the Earliest “Hacks” to Emotional Health: Essential Oils on the Brain (Biochemistry)
We’ve been on quite a journey exploring how a natural supplement can support mental health. It started out with the “superhero” antioxidant NAC (N-acetylcysteine). I first highlighted its most well-known uses. After reviewing them, I’m sure you’ll agree that it does deserve its place in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Phase 4. If...
How the Well-Known Antioxidant NAC (N-acetylcysteine) and Essential Oils Validate a Holistic Approach to Brain Health
Many integrative and conventional doctors are familiar with NAC (N-acetylcysteine). This natural substance is indicated as an intervention for treating liver toxicity resulting from the overdosage of the over the counter pain medicine, acetaminophen (Tylenol). This is due to its role as an antioxidant that restores glutathione and prevents damage from the formation of...
The Unique Properties of Melaleuca ericifolia…Move Over Tea Tree!
Last week, I dedicated the latest oily spotlight to tea tree essential oil. This was for good reason. Melaleuca alternifolia is well-known for its efficacy, versatility, and scientific validation for a wide range of applications. Perhaps this is why this essential oil has stolen the hearts of many famous aromatherapists. Recently, another Melaleuca caught...
The “Essentials” (Oils) of Melaleuca
This week, I bring the topic back to one of my most beloved healing tools, essential oils. It is no secret that I have a soft spot for these mind-body therapeutic substances. In fact, I’ve devoted a whole database (and a whole-lot of research time), highlighting their power, versatility, uses, and applications on my...
The Flaws in the “Science” of Food Addiction & How I Discovered Them
Last week, I continued with my topic on why “obesity” cannot be deemed as a cause of chronic illness. The “science” which “supports” that physical size is a risk factor for major diseases is being misinterpreted as causation vs. association. A body weight outside of “acceptable” limits is neither necessary nor sufficient to create...
The Problems with the Science on “Obesity” and Food Addiction
In my previous article, I discussed the dangers of the current medical, “wellness,” and dietary trends that are advocating for a one-sized-fits all “healthy” body. I stated the flaws in associating a higher risk for chronic diseases in those with larger body sizes and the harmful psychological, biological, cultural, and societal effects that this...