The negative impact of unrelenting stress is on the rise, especially now. Even before the current crisis, the ongoing strain of everyday life was causing detrimental consequences on society’s overall physical and mental health. (source) As a naturopathic doctor, it is my desire to assist you in navigating through this time of excessive overwhelm...
The Mind-Body Connection

We cannot separate the mind from the body, nor their treatments. There is an intricate interplay between them. We have an unnecessary schism between the physical and mental in conventional medicine, yet every thought we think creates a biological response. New research has shown that a holistic approach is most effective for tackling drug...
Essential Oils for Respiratory Health & Naturopathic Doctor Telehealth Services for Staying Sane and Healthy During a Crisis

Last week, I discussed the pitfalls of focusing too much on the news and social media. Rather than letting technology have its way with your brain, why not take charge of your health and sanity? You could trade the time you normally would be investing in negative clickbait for more nourishing practices. As a...
Keeping up with the News- FOMO or Brain Foe?

It is easy to get caught in the negative news feeds, especially during times of uncertainty. This is understandable, as one is grasping for answers to the unknown. Yet, even beyond this drive, our devices and media have been designed to “reset” our brain to “tune-out” rather than to tune-into our own innate wisdom....
A Review of the Top Stories Emerging in This Time of Uncertainty and How a Combination of Essential Oils Can Calm the Body and Brain

As more information is being learned about the current pandemic, it is my goal to keep you informed without scaring the health out of you. For this reason, I’m continuing to provide a weekly update of the trending stories for the previous week. More importantly, I’m also providing resources on how to get through...
Taking Care of Yourself and Staying Sane in Times of Uncertainty

Life has substantially changed. I don’t have to tell you that. With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and an attempt to flatten the curve, our world has come to a halt, at least on the outside. Across the nation, the hustle and bustle of the economy and “daily grind” of businesses has...
Five Basic Tips to Handle the Scare of the World More Sanely

There’s been a lot of panic about the recent viral outbreak. There are many theories to its origins, some more terrifying than others. There is still a lot we do not know. There are some things we do. Currently, there is no approved standard treatment, only necessary sanitation and immune supportive measures to try...
More Essential Oils to Lower Stress and Cortisol and Balance Hormones

Stress is pervasive in today’s society. Without properly managing it, it can cost us our health and well-being. In a recent article from the Restorative Medical Journal, the authors explored the impact of stress in modern life and the potential for technology-assisted mindfulness meditation to support a healthy response to it. Several well-known researchers’...
Cortisol is Not the Enemy, but Too Much Stress Is Not a Good Thing

We are on constant alert 24-7. Apple watches, work emails, and Instagram have us hooked into our devices first thing in the morning and prevent us from drifting off to slumberland late at night. The result of constantly being “on” is that our society is chronically under-slept and highly stressed. This state of...
A Naturopathic Doctor’s Approach to Mind-Body and Mental Health Using Essential Oils

Recently, I explored how food can provide powerful nourishment to the brain. I discussed specific nutrients for cognitive support and how they can modulate neurotransmitters. I also highlighted two of my favorite natural supplements for balancing mental health, N-acetylcysteine and L-theanine. In my naturopathic medicine practice, I often combine a personalized dietary approach...