In my series on the sweet spice of cinnamon, I explored its immune, metabolic, and blood sugar balancing benefits. I also highlighted some cautions with a particular variety, cassia, based on its coumarin content. Thankfully, if one does not have any contraindications and is mindful of dosage, the advantages of using cassia in one’s...
The Cautionary Tale of Coumarin in Cassia Cinnamon: Part II

In my previous article, I highlighted the many varieties of the sweet spice of cinnamon, focusing on the two most popular, Ceylon and Cassia. I discussed the blood sugar, cardiovascular, and immune benefits that they both share. I also pointed out how their different chemical makeups, and their accompanying essential oils, can impact their...
How the Spice Cinnamon and Cassia Oil Support Health: Part I

Many are familiar with the sweet taste and warm, earthy smell of cinnamon. One can barely move through the supermarket or browse online without seeing this spice sprinkled provocatively atop a yummy beverage, baked good, or meal. What is not well known; however, is that cinnamon is much more than a sense enhancer. In...
How to Stay Clean & Live a Non-Toxic Lifestyle

For several weeks now I have been on the topic of how to stay healthy in a world full of ubiquitous, persistent, and harmful substances. Throughout the series, I provided evidence that our exposure to unwanted substances is inevitable if we eat, breathe, and move about life. The good news is that there are...
Five Essential Oils That Enhance the Benefits, and Alleviate the Dread, of Spring Cleaning

Last week, I highlighted how spring invites in many delights and how essential oils can further enhance and compliment these aspects and promote spring’s characteristics of rejuvenation and rebirth. In my latest post, I provide five of my favorite essential oils and blends that can be integrated into another symbolization of spring that is...
Five Ways Essential Oils Add to the Many Benefits of Springtime

Along with the change in weather, seasonal variations also create shifts in human consciousness and mood. As the Northeast embraces the season of spring, many are experiencing the mental and physical benefits of this time of growth and rebirth. In my latest post, I discuss fifteen healthy delights of spring which have been scientifically...
Using Essential Oils for a Healthier Body and Safer Home (Free Webinar)

If you’ve been following my series on how the unregulated, ubiquitous, and persistent chemicals in our world are negatively impacting our nutritional status, health, environment, medical system, and economy, you have become more aware of the importance of decreasing your total toxic burden. In a 2017 article from Holistic Primary Care, Dr. Joseph Pizzorno,...
Cleansing and Detoxing in a Chemical World: Shielding the Body from Toxic Insults Using a Naturopathic and HAES (Health at Every Size) Approach: Part V

Staying Healthy in a Toxic World Ubiquitous chemicals in our environment negatively impact our health, food quality, environment, medical care, and economy. Although they cannot totally be avoided, there are many ways we can reduce our exposures to them and mitigate the harm they cause. Throughout my series, I have offered some tips to...
Cleansing and Detoxing in a Chemical World: Shielding the Body from Toxic Insults Using a Naturopathic and HAES (Health at Every Size) Approach: Part IV

How the Individual, Society, Healthcare, and the Economy Suffers from Unregulated and Dangerous Chemicals Last week, I provided a summary of the previous topics covered in my series on living in a toxic world and how it impacts our health in a variety of ways. You can access it here. My latest post is...
Cleansing and Detoxing in a Chemical World: Shielding the Body from Toxic Insults Using a Naturopathic and HAES (Health at Every Size) Approach: Part III

What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You In my past two articles, I have explored the many health risks relating to harmful environmental exposures. Due to their deleterious effects, I find it imperative to educate the public on these concerning associations. In this way, they can also learn what can be done to reduce...