Teachers, students, and parents had hoped that the 2021 school year would be easier than 2020. Unfortunately, many of the same challenges have persisted. Furthermore, the strain of unrelenting stress has added fuel to the fire. In my latest article, I review the challenges to learning that continue throughout this current academic year. I...
Video: No Longer Settling for Sick Care- The Naturopathic Approach to Transformation Revealed: Part I
For awhile now, I’ve been stirring the simmering pot on the hot topic of healthcare. My goal has been to spark a flame in you to make you a bit unsettled and disturbed by sick care. After all, for most people, it takes being uncomfortable with mediocrity and complacency to move forward and take...
The Power of Expectations, Mindset, & Healing Therapeutic Partnerships
Previously, I explored how one’s belief can shift health in a positive or negative direction. The expectation that one holds about an intervention being harmful (the nocebo effect) or healing (the placebo effect) changes one’s physiology and impacts health outcomes. Researchers have struggled for years to outcompete the power of the mind in their...
Mind-Body Holistic Health Transformation with Naturopathic Medicine (Part II)
Is attaining health as simple as managing disease? Are your emotions and moods just a neurochemical imbalance? If you believe that health is more than just the absence of symptoms… then there’s more to the story. Last week, I explained that the American medical system is costing lots of money with a return of...
My Top Essential Oils for Attention, Mood, and Brain Vitality
You don’t have to feel exhausted and in a brain fog all the time. There are natural solutions. Throughout the past few weeks, I’ve been reviewing how mindset, lifestyle, and biological factors impact drive, focus, and mental resiliency. In my previous post, I reviewed six of my favorite herbs as a means to enhance...
Feeling Fatigued? My Six Favorite Rejuvenating Herbs for Energy, Focus, and Cognition
Feeling tired stinks!! You shouldn’t have to live in a state of exhaustion. In my previous posts, I have focused on the topics of mental fatigue and lack of focus. I reviewed how inattention and brain fog have many root causes. In the articles: I highlighted the mindset and biological factors that were associated...
Feeling Tired and Mentally Exhausted? Discover How to Naturally Boost Focus, Cognition, and Energy with Naturopathic Medicine Therapeutics
In my previous post, I discussed that lack of drive is not a character flaw. Rather, there are biological and psychological reasons why one may feel unmotivated. I explained what these factors were and offered some tips on how to enhance focus and get unstuck. Once these aspects are addressed, those who have been...
What is Making You Feel Unmotivated and How Your Brain Keeps You Stuck
Do you ever feel like you want to do something, but you just don’t have the brain power or motivation to follow through? It isn’t necessarily because you’re weak-willed. Beyond mindset, there are actual neurobiochemical reasons why one may feel stuck in a rut. In my latest post, I discuss what motivation is and...
How Acceptance Can Be the Key to Moving Forward During Challenging Times & How Essential Oils Can Provide Some Fuel
Life is not easy right now. If you are feeling overwhelmed and off, you are not alone. In my previous post, I discussed the current, troubled mental state of our nation. Unprecedented amounts of people are struggling with trying to find emotional and physical balance as our world shifts. Even with some restrictions easing...
How Naturopathic Medicine and Essential Oils Can Help Ease One Back into “Normalcy”
Our nation is slowly remerging after over a year on high alert and emotional trauma. Although restrictions may be easing up, cohesiveness, security, and safety is still elusive. Furthermore, many divisions, stigma, and strains on relationships continue to weigh on people’s mind. Combined with the chronic, unrelenting stress of modern times, current events have...