What is it about food that makes us personify it, argue about it, and sanctify or demonize it? Food can be medicine to our brain and bodies, but why is it such a controversial topic? It has gotten to a point where health influencers are encouraging people to only spend time with others who...
More on Food Addiction: Could You Be a Food Addict? Part II

Wait, you don’t need to stop crunching on that potato chip! You also don’t need to hide your chocolate bar and start shaming yourself because you read my headline. In my recent article and video, I continue to “weigh” the evidence for and against labeling food as an addiction. My goal is to provide...
Is That Potato Chip A Drug? Could You Be a Food Addict?

Unlike alcohol or drugs, food is essential for life. Though some diet culture enthusiasts may disagree, we need a balance and variety of all foods in our diet to thrive physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. Previously, I discussed the damage that diet and wellness culture have had on healthcare and society. I purposely covered...
When Living in Wellness Culture Becomes a Sick Society

What if striving to be healthy was actually making you sick? If you are: living with the belief that you have to eat perfectly, or close to perfect, to avoid disease and/or operating within a wellness and diet culture mindset … you may be doing more harm than good to your mental and physical...
For the Love of Health: Are You a Victim of Diet Culture and Disordered Eating?

It’s official, diet culture has taken over medicine, media, nutrition, and fitness. Its deceitful messages have etched their way into healthcare and have perpetuated body size stigma, weight bias, and substandard medical care. As concerning, many nutritional and medical experts and fitness gurus are promoting orthorexic and disordered eating practices in the name of...
How Do You Know if You Have Health Anxiety?

Considering that lately many have been overly focused on their bodily symptoms, and that chronic stress can lead to psychiatric issues, I think it’s imperative that we are all mindful of our emotional state. With the current world events and the rise in mental health conditions, now more than ever it is vital to...
Could All Your Anxiety Be “False?”

Are you worried all the time? Do you struggle with brain fog, chills, muscle tension, digestive distress, and heart palpitations? It’s always important to rule out any physical cause, but when a clean bill of health by your doctor doesn’t soothe your worries or symptoms, you may be suffering from anxiety. Previously, I discussed...
What if…All Your Worrying About Your Health is Health Anxiety?

Every symptom, every heartbeat, every stomach grumble and rumble, every chill…. What if there’s something really wrong? We are living in a world where our amygdalas have been hijacked by negative news and current events. With all that we’ve been through in the past few years, it’s more common than not to be hyper-aware...
Smile, Relax…Two Ways You Can Alter Your Genetic Health for the Better

How often do you laugh? Do you carve out time to relax? I ask you these questions because your answers influence your genetic destiny and health outcomes. We’ve previously explored the science on how integrative medicine (IM) and mindful-based practices have the ability to “turn on” genes that are health promoting and “turn down”...
Changing Our Genes with Mind-Body Medicine: Part II

Previously, I discussed how various lifestyle and integrative medicine (IM) practices have the power to “turn on” genes that promote health and “turn down” cellular processes that are detrimental. Isn’t it cool to know that yoga, meditation, and mindfulness can not only positively benefit your health by calming your mind-body but also through changing...