Cleansing and detoxing are controversial topics between integrative doctors, anti-diet dieticians, and conventional medicine.
On one side of the argument are those that feel these subjects are an unethical attempt to boost the sale of supplements, an over-exaggeration of dietary purity, and a push for unattainable lifestyle changes. They argue that our body can detoxify and cleanse naturally, so additional measures are not necessary.
Proponents of these processes in integrative medicine argue that these techniques have been a component of physical and spiritual healing since ancient times. In fact, many cultures still use them in traditional applications for religious ceremonies. Furthermore, modern-based practices of detox diets and cleanses do have scientific evidence of improving health and relieving various conditions in preliminary trials, surveys, and case reports.
Finally, various wellness and fitness influencers offer protocol approaches that they feel are applicable for the general population. Healthcare providers worry that these programs may not be vetted for quality, pharmaceutical-grade supplements and can be associated with risks without the proper monitoring and follow-up.
So, who do we listen to?
The truth is often found in nuances and somewhere in between extremes.
In my latest video blog, I discuss more on the controversy of “cleansing” and “detoxing.” I also highlight three concerns I have about them that are often overlooked in holistic healthcare. This video is an introduction to:
- The debate surrounding cleansing and detoxing
- To detox or not?… the main considerations
- Supporting health through harm mitigation
- Three unintended, harmful consequences of over-focusing on purifying
- An essential oil blend for self-care and self-worth
Click here to access the full video and additional resources.
After reading or listening, let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
Thank you so much for taking the time to learn how to nourish and nurture your mind, body, heart, and soul.
Sending you many blessings. ❤
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