The extra hustle, bustle, and events leading up to the holidays can result in feeling stressed and overwhelmed. This constant bombardment of to-dos can cause one to feel jaded and to disengage in the festivities.
Besides the additional activities and family triggers, diet culture can rob one of the joy of savoring once-a-year yummy treats. Food morals and rules also can contribute to our seasonal stress and hamper our digestion of them via the gut-stress link.
This is why I started a series to help you enjoy these precious times more fully, including the food. My goal is to help you feel more nourished and comfortable in the brain and body for the upcoming celebrations.
In my previous video, I highlighted the bidirectional relationship between stress and digestion and provided a few simple tools to soothe the gut-brain. I also revealed the best essential oil to help to relieve the holiday bloat and upset belly, which may occur from extra goodies.
In my latest video, I have expanded on how to support a stressed-out gut and mind using naturopathic and functional medicine. Topics include:
- A summary of the gut-stress axis and the power of peppermint oil.
- Some important basic and functional labs to consider for chronic digestive issues.
- Several naturopathic and functional medicine interventions to soothe digestive distress. These include digestive enzymes and supportive nutrients, lifestyle practices, and foods that support microbiome health.
- The importance of practicing balance with food and not giving into the blames-shame-messaging of diet culture.
Click here to access the video, read the transcript, and get all the resources.
I am hoping that this information can help you to feel more nurtured and calmer in your tummy and brain as you attend your celebrations.
In the final tip, I will provide an overview of some of my favorite digestive herbs and essential oils.
Many holiday blessings to you and yours.
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