(Listen to the Full Episode Here.) You may have wondered why heart health is so focused on in February. Although some may suspect it, it is not to increase the greeting card companies’ bottom line. February was actually federally designated as American Heart Month in 1963 by President Lyndon B. Johnson (via Proclamation 3566)....
Essential Oils for Mold-Related Illness with Dr. Jill Crista, ND (Ep. 402)

(Listen to the Full Episode Here.) In this very special episode of the Essential Oil Revolution, an important and misunderstood topic, mold-related illness, is discussed. Importantly, how essential oils can help those struggling with this complex condition is highlighted. I was honored to be joined by the literal forerunner and pioneer on this subject,...
Is it True That You Can Have an Allergy to Essential Oils? (Ep. 401)

(Listen to the Full Episode Here.) The answer to the question of “Can you be allergic to essential oils?” can be controversial in aromatherapy. The reason this subject is up for heated debate, in my opinion, is due to semantics in three key areas. On this episode of the Essential Oil Revolution I take...
Essential Oils: More Than Just Symptom Relief for Headaches (Ep. 400)

(Listen to the Full Episode Here.) In this podcast episode of the Essential Oil Revolution, I focus on the topic of headaches and how essential oils can ease head pain. First, I provide an overview of headaches. This includes their classifications, common types, causes, red flags, and functional medicine tests to consider when the...