Have you heard of the vagus nerve? This “vagrant,” or wondering nerve, expands from the brainstem in the medulla oblongata and has many branches throughout the body, mostly in the chest and abdomen. The vagus nerve is one of the most complicated of the twelve cranial nerves. It plays a critical role in regulating...
The Essential Oils Revolution: Transforming Health One Drop at a Time

How Health Knowledge Hijacked Our Amygdala We live in a time where we are taking in vast amounts of information. With knowledge at our literal fingertips, we can access in minutes that which may have taken experts years to understand. Sometimes, this can be overwhelming. Regarding health, it can also be scary. Many can...
Do Essential Oils Hurt Our Microbiome?

Since the 19th century, we have been obsessed with germs. When scientists linked infectious diseases to certain organisms, the desire to combat them became a major goal in medicine. Armed with inoculations, antiseptics, chemotherapeutics, and antibiotics, researchers set out to win the war against bugs. Alas, we soon learned that in our desire to...
Lavender Oil to Soothe the Brain, Decrease Anxious Symptoms, Calm Stress, Ease Head Discomfort, and Much More

Not every ache and pain require our undivided attention. Yet, when symptoms are consistent and troublesome, we become more intentional in finding out why. In this way, we can aim to address any deeper issue they may be signaling. One of the hot topics I’ve been covering recently is headaches. I explained how getting...