This tale starts with a poor tossed aside essential oil.
Like all shiny objects, it eventually got placed on a shelf, sitting unshaken for several months.
It was only recently during my friend’s sniffle episode that mountain savory got brought back into the limelight. Fond memories came flooding back to mind of my mixtures that contained this oil, along with its complimentary companions, oregano and thyme. I remembered all about its powerful antimicrobial properties and its ability to enhance the body’s resiliency and repair processes.
My friend was very appreciative of my serendipitous revolution. So was my bottle of mountain savory.
I think you will be too.
In my latest post, I dive more into the various properties of mountain savory.
You will learn:
- why kunzea oil stirred up my appreciation for the power of synergy found in single oils
- the many powerful constituents found in mountain savory and their actions
- the importance of understanding the “terpene factor”
- how chemotypes impact what is found in your bottle of mountain savory
Click here to discover, or re-discover our friend, mountain savory oil.
It may just be the oil you choose to have in your cabinet to help support you during the winter months.
Essential Oils for Mind-Body Wellness
So many of you have asked me for support with incorporating essential oils safely into your wellness regime.
Introducing my new online, self-paced, video course!
In this course you will learn:
-the ins-and-outs of essential oils
-how to use them
-how to select the right ones for you
…. and you’ll get tons of resources to keep you informed and happy for hours.
To learn more about me and how I approach individual care as a naturopathic doctor, click here.
This material is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any illness. You should check with your doctor regarding implementing any new strategies into your wellness regime. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. (Affiliation link.)