During these challenging times, the strains on our mental, physical, and emotional health weigh heavy. With so many changes, hurdles to jump through, and uncertainty surrounding this academic year, parents, teachers, and students are seeking out effective resources to support them in achieving their goals and focusing on assignments. Unfortunately, conventional interventions are not...
Natural and Holistic Solutions for Stressful Times and Back to School

Teachers, students, and parents had hoped that the 2021 school year would be easier than 2020. Unfortunately, many of the same challenges have persisted. Furthermore, the strain of unrelenting stress has added fuel to the fire. In my latest article, I review the challenges to learning that continue throughout this current academic year. I...
Video: Changing Your Health Outcomes with The Power of Your Mind: Part II

In my latest 13-minute video, I continue with my series that has taken you on a journey from surviving to a destination that embraces the possibility of flourishing with optimal health. In part I, we embarked on the twists and turns of traveling from being a passive patient in a sick care model to...
Video: No Longer Settling for Sick Care- The Naturopathic Approach to Transformation Revealed: Part I

For awhile now, I’ve been stirring the simmering pot on the hot topic of healthcare. My goal has been to spark a flame in you to make you a bit unsettled and disturbed by sick care. After all, for most people, it takes being uncomfortable with mediocrity and complacency to move forward and take...