Previously, I explored how one’s belief can shift health in a positive or negative direction. The expectation that one holds about an intervention being harmful (the nocebo effect) or healing (the placebo effect) changes one’s physiology and impacts health outcomes. Researchers have struggled for years to outcompete the power of the mind in their...
How Your Mind Can Be Medicine: The Power of Placebo

Did you know that what you believe has a powerful influence on your health outcomes? Spiritual masters have been touting throughout the ages how beliefs have the ability to heal. Researchers have observed and controlled for this “placebo effect” in their experiments since evidence-based medicine was initiated. What both spiritualists and scientists have accepted...
How Naturopathic Medicine and Personalized Care Can Become a Global Health Movement

Modern medicine excels in treating acute traumas, managing chronic pathologies, and handling emergency situations. Unfortunately, these same modalities are being used for long-term treatment options. In both the physical and mental health arenas, the results have been dismal. American’s healthcare system is one of the worst among developed countries and the most expensive. Long-term...
Are You Ready for a Change in Healthcare with Naturopathic Medicine?

If you’ve been following my posts on the broken, ineffective, expensive healthcare system that is the prevalent form of disease-management, you are probably realizing that sick care cannot provide you with the solutions you desire to achieve the wellness and resiliency you crave. Furthermore, you might have concluded that America’s undertreated mental health issues...
Mind-Body Holistic Health Transformation with Naturopathic Medicine (Part II)

Is attaining health as simple as managing disease? Are your emotions and moods just a neurochemical imbalance? If you believe that health is more than just the absence of symptoms… then there’s more to the story. Last week, I explained that the American medical system is costing lots of money with a return of...