Our nation is slowly remerging after over a year on high alert and emotional trauma. Although restrictions may be easing up, cohesiveness, security, and safety is still elusive. Furthermore, many divisions, stigma, and strains on relationships continue to weigh on people’s mind. Combined with the chronic, unrelenting stress of modern times, current events have...
The Good Sides of Cinnamon Cassia and Cassia Oil: Part III

In my series on the sweet spice of cinnamon, I explored its immune, metabolic, and blood sugar balancing benefits. I also highlighted some cautions with a particular variety, cassia, based on its coumarin content. Thankfully, if one does not have any contraindications and is mindful of dosage, the advantages of using cassia in one’s...
The Cautionary Tale of Coumarin in Cassia Cinnamon: Part II

In my previous article, I highlighted the many varieties of the sweet spice of cinnamon, focusing on the two most popular, Ceylon and Cassia. I discussed the blood sugar, cardiovascular, and immune benefits that they both share. I also pointed out how their different chemical makeups, and their accompanying essential oils, can impact their...
How the Spice Cinnamon and Cassia Oil Support Health: Part I

Many are familiar with the sweet taste and warm, earthy smell of cinnamon. One can barely move through the supermarket or browse online without seeing this spice sprinkled provocatively atop a yummy beverage, baked good, or meal. What is not well known; however, is that cinnamon is much more than a sense enhancer. In...
Canadian Fleabane Oil – An Oil with Many Names and Uses

I was recently encouraged to research Canadian fleabane essential oil when a friend and fellow oil lover asked me about its uses. Not knowing much about this plant, or its secondary metabolites, as a naturopathic essential oils doctor, I dove into the research. In my latest post, I highlight my main findings. I discuss:...