The change of the seasons symbolizes not only weather shifts, but also transitions in life patterns. For example, in the winter, white stuff falls from the sky and visions of sugar plums, midnight shopping, holiday gatherings, and adding items to “to-do-lists” dominate one’s mind. For the fall, the appearance of yellow buses, pumpkins, and...
How Parents Can Help to Enhance Their Relationships with Their Teenagers, By Optimizing Their Brain with Lifestyle and Essential Oils

As little ones move through the stages of infancy, preschool, childhood, and adolescence, bearing witness to their accelerated growth spurts and physical transitions makes most parents both awed and nostalgic. What many adults don’t realize, however, is that their children’s minds are not keeping pace with their bodies. It takes a full three decades...
Building Better Relationships and More Effective Parenting with a Little Bit of Help from Neurology and Essential Oils

Just recently, I reviewed how the brain of those with psychological issues differs from those with “normal” cognition. It is important information to have to help end the stigma associated with psychiatric illnesses and to get proper treatment for those who suffer. This knowledge is also essential to provide more effective education to children...
Support for Kids with Mental Health Issues at School and Why Essential Oils Matter

About a year ago, I wrote a two-piece series on my concern for our world’s mental health. In it, I stated: With more people struggling with depression, and more young people being treated, one wonders why the medical community is blind to the importance of taking a broader perspective and digging deeper into the...