Recently, I was published on the Naturopathic Digest News and Reviews (NDNR). In it, I dug deeper into the science of why it is wrong to state that essential oils could cause hormonal havoc. Currently, it is available to read online at this link. To get the summary and more information, please see my website...
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More on the Importance of Addressing Individualized Factors in Hormonal Health & A Quick Review of Rose Geranium Essential Oil and its Hormonal Impact
On my homepage blog last week, I reviewed the five key factors in achieving lasting results for hormonal and body harmony when using natural medicine and essential oils. These are imperative to understand so that one doesn’t fall into the trap of believing in a “natural cure-all” or “pill panacea.” This week, I further clarified...
Achieving Hormonal and Body Health Using Essential Oils and Natural Medicine
Our desire for instant gratification and to find an easy panacea can tempt one to desire a quick fix…natural or otherwise. If one does not address the underlying factors that created the health issue to begin with, any intervention, including essential oils, will not last. To enforce my ongoing series on essential oils...