Are They a Whole-Body Scent-sation that Can Make You Fearless? Many have experienced firsthand the impact of smell on their emotions. Catching a whiff from the scents emitting from a local spa, the delicious smell of freshly baked cookies, or the foul odor emitted from a scared skunk, can all create an immediate, and...
Reviewing the Benefits of Rose Geranium Essential Oil for Whole Body Harmony

Last week, I provided an overview of rose geranium essential oil. In it, I summarized some of its many health benefits. These included: beautifying the skin assisting wound healing supporting mood calming the nervous system soothing discomfort and irritated, red tissues acting as an antioxidant making unwanted microbes unwelcome I also reviewed traditional and...
Setting the Sage-Hormonal Essential Oil Saga Straight and Important Update on Future Content

Last week, I reviewed all of the controversies of reproductive claims with essential oils and summarized what I have discussed so far about sage essential oil in my article published on NatPath, This week, on my homepage, I posted the conclusion on sage oil, which was also published on NatPath. In it, I explain...
Geranium oil, What’s It’s Role in Hormonal Health: Havoc, or Hype? Part I

A few months ago, I began my series to vindicate the good name of essential oils for hormonal health and body balance. It started with the mass media releasing headlines on a study that scared the bottles of essential oilers’ hands. The reporters were claiming that the essential oils of lavender and tea tree...
Could You Get Burned by Sippin’ On Sun-Sensitive Essential Oils While Enjoying the Summertime Rays?: Part I

Introduction: Avoiding the Unwanted Phototoxic After-Effects from Fun in the Sun with Essential Oils A few weeks ago, I shared my personal story about the series of unfortunate events stemming from my lax attitude toward the phototoxic potential of certain essential oils. I am embarrassed to admit this isn’t the first time I...