Celebrating the Rewards of June and More Kudos for Kunzea Oil To celebrate the release of the new products from the 2018 Young Living Essential Oils’ Convention, I have been posting updates and resources. Last week on this very page, I highlighted some important happenings that occurred at the event and started an article...
A Warm Welcome to Kunzea Essential Oil! Part I

Introducing Kunzea Essential Oil: The Single Oil That Contains a “Miraculous” Blend I am going to begin with the newest essential oil added to my favorite essential oils list. Kunzea essential oil is produced from the steam distillation of the leaves and green branchlets of plants unique to the southern coasts of Australia...
My Story of a Sunny Event with an Unfortunate Phototoxic Outcome with Lemon Essential Oil

Lovin’ the Summer Sun and Essential Oils… Without Experiencing the Burn! A few weeks ago, I was visiting my wonderful mom and, of course, the topic of essential oils was brought up. Well, it was I that began the oils discussion. I proceeded to share with her a very unfortunate outcome to a very...
Which Essential Oil to Choose… for You… for That?

Putting It All Together & the Final Points on Essential Oils and Synergism Listen to the audio version in 4 minutes here. For the past month, I’ve been reviewing the three factors to consider when choosing an essential oil for a specific issue or wellness goal. It began with a “simple list” and...