Listen to the whole blog in 6 minutes here. Today is one of the most celebrated day around the world. According to Christmas as we know it today is a Victorian invention of the 1860s. Probably the most celebrated holiday in the world, our modern Christmas is a product of hundreds of years...
The Season of the Heart & Heartbreak

Click here to listen to the full blog in 7 minutes. Although I’ve been talking a lot about gratitude, I’ve also been acknowledging that the holidays can be triggering times for many. According to an article in Integrative Practitioner, although many may be of Yuletide cheer, multiple studies have found an increase in...
The Gifts of Health for the Holidays, Packed in the Convenience of Essential Oils Bottles

Essential oils have been used for centuries in spiritual and religious traditions with references in ancient and biblical texts. Although methods of extractions were cruder then today’s modern distillation techniques, the impact of smell and plants’ healing properties were highly respected throughout history and gaining in popularity today. The evidence of aromatherapy...
How Weight Obsession Can Lead to Disease and Harm Your Health

Our society views disease as the enemy and the body as an object to beat into submission. The media has demonized any amount of fat, labeled it as “unhealthy,” and waged war on the “epidemic of obesity.” This has led to stigmatization in the name of “science” and dysfunctional, obsessive, and disordered relationships...