Lavender essential oil has earned its status as the most popular oil for good reason. It has been universally praised for its calming effects and versatile uses. It is most well-known for providing nervous system support, inducing relaxation, and relieving stress and anxiety. Yet, this oil has many other properties that many are not...
How Fatphobia, Body Shaming, and Idealizing Thinness is Killing Us

In my latest posts, I’ve been raising awareness about the caveats of “clean eating” and the desire to “purify” our bodies. Specifically, I’ve been exploring how diet culture messages are dominating these wellness approaches causing harm to our health. Many are unaware that there are dangers to how we advocate for these practices to...
How Diet Culture is Causing Harm with Cleanses and “Clean” Eating

Recently, I reviewed the controversies about cleansing and detox among health professionals. This included the use of strategies to reduce the risks from chemical exposures in our environment and consumer products. Due to the pervasiveness of detrimental substances in our world, I feel it is advisable to mitigate the harms that result from them....
Before You Detox and Cleanse, You Should Know These Three Things
The Dangers No One is Talking About with Cleansing and Detoxing

Cleansing and detoxing are controversial topics between integrative doctors, anti-diet dieticians, and conventional medicine. On one side of the argument are those that feel these subjects are an unethical attempt to boost the sale of supplements, an over-exaggeration of dietary purity, and a push for unattainable lifestyle changes. They argue that our body can...
Six Single Essential Oils and Two Oil Blends for Better Heart Health
The Month of Love with Essential Oils

In our last video, we highlighted how Valentine’s Day supports our heart health through the concept of love as medicine. This global celebration can strengthen our heart in two ways. First, nurturing relationships are linked to better cardiovascular wellness. Second, this heartfelt feeling shifts our physiology and mood in a positive direction. Essential Oils...
Celebrating the Month of Love with Integrative Resources for a Thriving Heart
The Power of Essential Oils and Relationships for Heart Health

Why February is Associated with Our Heart We are in the month of February, which is often associated with the heart. This is for two good reasons, and they relate to our health. The first is obvious, it’s Valentines Day. You may wonder, how does this holiday relate to heart health? February 14th has...
Four Essential Oils I Use to Support Hormone Health in my Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Practice: Part 2
Essential Oils for Hormone Health

In my previous video blog, I discussed the many reasons why essential oils are amazing allies for supporting hormonal health. Although there has been some controversy around essential oils having estrogen-like properties, this is likely not true. This is based on the evidence we have so far and their chemical structure. Rather, they work...
Why Essential Oils Are So Popular for Achieving Hormone Harmony?
Using Essential Oils in My Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Practice: Part I

Essential oils are one of my favorite modalities to support hormonal health. This is due to their multifaceted effects and their ability to bring about balance in the body. Recently, there has been some confusion regarding how essential oils influence hormones. Specifically, some folks in the blog-o-sphere are deeming these aromatic molecules to be...
Two Essential Oil Blends for Calming the Brain and Relieving Stress

Due to the turmoil and uncertainty in the world, many are struggling emotionally. Thankfully, holistic, integrative, naturopathic medicine solutions, natural remedies, and essential oils can aid with supporting the mind and body from the detrimental impacts of chronic stress and worry. These tools soothe our mind, enhance our resiliency, and improve our focus and...
Do You Know about the Many Benefits of Elemi Oil, “Poor Man’s Frankincense”?

It’s been some time since I did a spotlight on an essential oil. So, I thought the start of the new year was a good time to change this. I want to reacquaint you with an essential oil that is often overlooked, but a big part of my essential oil toolkit. It is elemi...