Alzheimer's is a progressive disorder that is characterized by the decline in intellectual abilities, eventually leading to dementia in elderly patients. The cause it not known, although it has been estimated 40% of people over 85 years old suffer from...
Please ~ Keep your Fingers out of your Mouth…
Today I'm going to vent about a pet peeve of mine. I've tried to control myself for years, but now we are facing serious viruses and bacteria and I can no longer be quiet.Yesterday I had an appointment and as...
Building Muscle Mass with Protein ~
A recent study determined that ingestion of only 30 grams of protein per sitting was much more effective and efficient at building lean muscle mass than consuming a 90 gram portion.It appears that our bodies can only use the first...
What Does Caffeine Really Do To Your Brain?
Do you need a morning cup of Joe to wake up and need sodas or energy drinks to power through the afternoon? Have you ever wondered what all that caffeine is doing to your brain?In his book Change Your Brain,...
Skip the Flu Shot ~ Try an Onion ~
Once Upon a Time ~With the H1N1 Flu scare, a lot of my colleagues have been sharing Folk Remedies which they have used or heard about over the years ~ I'd like to share some of these with you.One man...
Germs Germs Germs ~ The Many Uses for Peroxide
Germs are everywhere and if you should forget for a minute, then the media will remind you ~ yet many of the anti-bacterial products are expensive and many are toxic ~ so I'd like to share some tips for the...
Resveratrol ~ The Latest Diet Supplement ?
What Is Resveratrol ~Resveratrol is a natural, superior antioxidant compound found in red grapes (mainly the skins), Grape seed extract, Red wine, Japanese Knotweed, peanuts and some berries. A new study has also discovered that significant levels of Resveratrol...
Metals in Table Wines ~
For years we've been reading that Wine has lots of health benefits ~ and just when we started to relax and feel comfortable promoting health with each glass of wine served and shared ~ along comes Mark Stengler, ND to...
The Herpes Virus and High Blood Pressure ~
I recently came across an article by author Clyde Crumpacker citing studies stating that a common viral infection, affecting between 60 and 99 percent of adults worldwide, could be a cause of high blood pressure.One in three U.S. adults has...
No Bad Hair Days ~

~Way Back Then ~I consider hair a serious subject. I'm a natural Redhead and as anyone with a Redheaded child knows - Red hair draws a lot of attention. When you're very young old ladies pat you on the...