Memorial Day ~ That great American Holiday when we honor our war Veterans. Yet the ritual always seems to end with overindulging ourselves with our favorite food and drink ~ to diet at this time would seem positively un-American. ...
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Find your Chinese Astrological Animal Sign ~
There is a story that goes; when the Buddha was ready to leave this Earth he called all the animals in the Kingdom to come to say goodbye to him. The Rat asked the Ox if he could ride on...
Does anyone still smoke to look older?
Today's subject is very serious...smoking. I would be remiss if I didn't at least ask you to think seriously about why you are smoking. You must have heard over and over again that smoking is at the root of many...
Pay the doctor only if he keeps you well ~
The beauty of Chinese Medicine is that it encompasses a total life style. In China over a hundred years ago one only paid the doctor when he was well; if you got sick you didn't pay because the doctor had...