Brazilian Blowout’s advertise that it is 100% Formaldehyde Free in my opinion this is a misleading statement. Tests by Doug Schoon, a leading scientist and expert who works with state, federal and international regulators to develop beauty industry related standards and regulations with regards to safety, consumer testing and cosmetics registrations/regulations, says “Methylene Glycol is the key functioning ingredient used in most professional hair smoothing treatments currently on the market.” “Formaldehyde is not a cosmetic ingredient and never has been; it is a gas that cannot be added to cosmetics, and only exists in tiny trace amounts. Misunderstanding the nature of Formaldehyde has led to the incorrect belief that 37% Methylene Glycol is the same as 37% Formaldehyde, when in fact, 37% Methylene Glycol contains only trace amounts of Formaldehyde; less than 0.05% to be precise.
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