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Visit the Saratoga Farmers Market

Editor's Note (6/17/2024): Please note that the following details are from 2023. We will be updating this page for 2024 as more info is announced. Check back later for updates!

Buy local at the Saratoga Farmers Market! Open year round, the Saratoga Farmers Market brings fresh, delicious food to the Spa City so you can enjoy a taste of the good life from local growers every season.

Remember, when you buy local at the Saratoga Farmers Market, you are investing in organic produce and other products that only travel a short distance to your home. That means there is less of a carbon footprint being placed on the Earth (not to mention it's an investment in the local economy).

woman picking veggies at a farmers market

2023-2024 Saratoga Farmers Market Details

2023 Summer Market Dates:

  • Wednesdays, 3:00pm-6:00pm: May 3 - October (approx.)
  • Saturdays, 9:00am-1:00pm: May 6 - October (approx.)

Summer Market Location:

  • Wednesday and Saturday Markets: High Rock Park

2023-2024 Winter Market Dates:

  • Saturdays, 9:30am-1:30pm: November 4 - April (approx.)

Winter Market Location:

  • Wilton Mall (food court entrance)

What Can You Find?

Want to get a fresh taste of Saratoga this season? Discover the variety of choices at the Saratoga Farmers Market! Fresh greens, breads, and other goodies are available year round. Local vendors offer rich cheeses, juicy organic fruits, fresh veggies, sweet jams, creamy yogurts, baked breads, pizza, berries, maple syrup, meats, herbs, honey, and so much more.

Choose from about 40 outdoor vendors and 25 indoor vendors to find everything you need to prepare the most delicious meals (and midnight snacks) in Saratoga. You can also buy other local products such as soap, sewing crafts, home-spun wool, and more at the Saratoga Farmers Market. Live music and freshly brewed coffee add an even sweeter touch to your local shopping experience. Visit the Saratoga Farmers Market and see for yourself.

Find more Saratoga area farmers markets »

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