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14 Eco-Friendly Habits You Can Adopt Today

At Home

  1. Pull the plug on electronic devices that are not in use (yes, even the cell phone charger.) Many appliances and electronics still use electricity when in the off mode.
  2. Fully load your washing machine and dishwasher before you run them. Added bonus: not only will you save money on energy, but clothes and dishes actually get cleaner when you wash a full load!
  3. Fix your dripping faucets and running toilets sooner rather than later. By following this simple step, you can save up to 20 gallons of water a day from going down the toilet (literally!) Find Saratoga plumbers and home repair businesses to help stop those drips.
  4. Shoot for the stars by aiming to purchase Energy Star appliances. If you see the certifying sticker, you can rest easy knowing your appliance is both saving you money and helping the environment!
  5. Replace your light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFLs). Not only do they last longer than regular light bulbs, but they are more environmentally compatible.
  6. Seal that drafty door or window to keep heat in during winter and out during summer. Find Saratoga contractors who can help with this energy saving project.
  7. Get your green thumb growing. Plant a garden, even if it's just one or two tomato plants! Not only does this produce food without pesticides but it's a fun and easy new hobby. Find Saratoga NY landscaping companies for help with your newfound project.

At The Store

blueberries on a bush
  1. Tap in to one of Saratoga's most famous natural resources by choosing tap water over bottled. Americans use 2.5 million water bottles a year... that's a lot of plastic! Do a taste test - you might be pleasantly surprised.
  2. Plan ahead and combine your errands into one trip instead of multiple. When the weather permits, you may even want to ride a bike or walk to your destination!
  3. Buy organic and local foods at the Saratoga Farmers Market to help protect the environment and improve your health! Check out our recommendations on which organic foods to buy at the Farmers Market.

In The Community

local food sign
  1. Donate clothing that is still wearable to your local Salvation Army or other local second-hand stores. (You may even find something chic for yourself!)
  2. Pick up after your pet using biodegradable bags. Regular plastic bags can take years to decompose.
  3. Recycle appliances when possible! Look for opportunities to recycle your old appliances and electronics. Most local communities in the Saratoga area will host electronic recycling days where you can score great finds for free!
  4. Make public transportation your go-to. For example, instead of hopping in the car to get some shopping done, take a bus to Crossgates Mall. Or in the summer, take advantage of the trolley that runs through Saratoga.
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