The cooler temperatures, slower growth and brilliant colors of the autumn garden gives the gardener ample time to pause and reflect on the season. We may sit out and oversee our gardens with a cup of tea or wine...and review...
The Common “Sense” of Gardening

This week I rediscovered the 1979 movie Being There, with Peter Sellers. The simplicity and wisdom of his character "Chancey Gardener" reminded me of the importance of keeping your gardens, whether it be the design dedicated to the landscape or...
Mums the Word for Fall Planting

Hard to believe summer is nearly over. Things like back to school sales, end of the Racing Season and Labor Day remind me Fall is just around the corner. My gardens also provide me with clues to the waning days...
Butterfly Friendly Gardens: If You Build it…They Will Come

This is a great time of year to observe the graceful beauty of the butterflies. As I sit in my garden this week I am in wonder of their beautiful dance. Both the butterfly and hummingbird are out in record...
Garden “layers”

One of my favorite Italian dishes is lasagna. There is nothing like a well made lasagna dish: layers of carefully selected cheese, pasta and meat sauce along with spices make for a fabulous eating experience. Well... functional and beautiful garden...
Changing Hydrangea Color

On the heels of my last post on hydrangea care,I thought an honest dialog about hydrangeas and their color changes would be a logical follow up dialog. First and foremost....white hydrangeas can NOT be changed to blue or pink by...
Care for Hydrangeas

Hands down my favorite plant in the landscape is that of the Hydrangea. This old fashion plant takes me back to my Grandmother's garden growing up. She had the most beautiful blue hydrangeas nearby her porch. Coming in the driveway...
I Love it When a Plan Comes Together!

Minus the cigar clenched between George Peppard's teeth as seen in the A-Team TV show back in the early eighties, I do use this phrase when a particularly challenging garden design comes to fruition. I love a good challenge. So...
Things to Think About After Planting

Once you have invested your time and resources installing new landscape material, what's next? One of the quickest ways to lose your lovely new plant material is to adopt a "one and done" philisophy. New plantings do not automatically acclimate...
The Triple Play for Great Gardens
This time of year everyone loves to see an awesome triple play in baseball. Yes of course the homerun out of the park is the 'holy cow" moment, but there is something about a triple play that says to me,...