At this time of year we hear many stories of businesses and non-profit organizations that feed the needy in our community. We are most fortunate to have this collective effort and outpouring of caring in our region. This year...
Spring Bulb Remorse?

You may say..."are you kidding"? Why are you just now posting on spring bulbs? Isn't our bulb planting season long over? In our region (zone 3-5) it is recommended bulbs be planted September through November. Of course weather patterns dictate...
Still the Season for Pumpkins

Halloween is officially over, but pumpkins remain a part of our autumn landscape and seasonal recipe favorites. Don't be too eager to pull out the Christmas and Winter Holiday season decor.....there is still much to enjoy in our autumn season! ...
Autumn is Not the Time for a Lazy Gardener

Once the garden season begins to wind down, some gardeners feel their seasonal work is done. Pumpkins, apple picking and leaf peeping give rise to more leisurely autumn activities. But the sustainable gardener knows how very important this time of...
Late Season Performers

Seems as soon as the labor day weekend passes, gardens tend to show their seasonal wear and tear. The leaves of many of my perennials transition quickly from a lush green to shades of yellow and brown, while my perennial...
Garden Whimsey: More than a Pink Flamingo

Daphne's gardens in Saratoga Springs is one of my favorite visits during my early spring services. Her unique flair for strategically and tastefully using "whimsy" in her garden always puts a first of the season smile on my face. What...
Bishops Weed: The Gardener’s Nemesis

Batman has the Joker....gardeners have Bishops Weed/Goutweed. By whatever name you choose to use.... I consider this the reining Queen of Garden Nemesis'. Yes Japanese Knotweed, bamboo and purple loosestrife are certifiable runners up in the contest...but in my book...Bishops...
“Bee” Smart Gardening

This week is the celebration of the annual National Pollinator Week. So some attention to nature's creatures that are responsible to providing us about 33% of our farmed crops and 80% of all pollination in nature is well worth our...
Plant A Row: Feed Our Community

Are you planning and planting a veggie garden this season? By the looks of the number of plants that flew out of Dehn's Greenhouses these past two weekends, looks as if folks in our area are doing just that. As...
Tools of the Trade for Healthy Gardening

There is much dialog about the need for proper tools for gardening. And yes I am a big supporter of ergonomically designed, multi-use hand tools and gas powered pieces that make my work more efficient and with a sustained quality...