Mother Nature sure has been kind to gardeners this season. The early garden blooms are abundant and full of color. In my travels around the area these past 3 weeks, I have found the Forsythia to be glorious this year. What a treat to see full blooms throughout the shrubs as opposed to many...
Pansies: Sign of Spring

Every spring, the colorful pansy signals the beginning of my new year of gardening. I was first introduced to this smiling flower (yes if you look carefully they ARE smiling back at you) as a child in the animated Walt Disney movies. Inevitably, smiling pansies filled the screen dancing and singing with the characters. ...
Dig Into Gardening

Last week’s snow storm certainly put a damper on Spring’s arrival on Monday. But hope springs eternal as I prepare myself for a fresh, new season of “digging into gardening”. For several years now, I have dreamed of hosting a garden lovers event here in our area. The opportunity to partner with Longfellows Inn...
Prime Time for Pruning

Whew…what a storm this week! Although the snow piles in my yard, I will still plan on pruning my garden ornamentals within the next few weeks. Early spring is prime time to do so. This year I guess I will be doing it in my snow versus garden boots! This springs pruning targets...
Tree Inspection Time

Ever think about a quick tree inspection on your property? March is a great time to spend time assessing the status of your trees. This week’s heavy winds brought me out in the yard to collect the fallen branches. It also prompted me to take a good look at the trees that are integral...
Wake up Your Winter Garden Senses

These winter weary days in the North Country, sure can take a toll on our senses. We are bundled up, under cover, and indoors for weeks on end. When a sliver of sun appears, I try my best to get out and take advantage of the warmth and light. This was a great week...
Moon Gardening
With the full moon of February greeting us tomorrow, thought a shout out to moon gardening should prevail. Lets be clear….I am talking about gardening BY the moon, not ON the moon! Throughout history Native Americans and Farmers have planted by the moon. My dear old neighbor George introduced me to this practice over...
The Winter Garden

Although the snow and ice have blanketed my gardens for weeks now, I still find much to keep my interest. This is the time of year when my “bones of the garden” emerge The lively colors and textures of my three season plants are now sleeping for the winter and my landscape consists purely...
Enough About Resolutions….. Create A Garden Legacy

New Year’s resolutions, how are you doing with yours as we come to the end of January? This time of year evokes the cry to change one’s behaviors and practices with the advent of the New Year. According to the data pulled from Google by iQuanti, this year’s most popular resolutions include: get healthy,...
Creating a Tradition of Family This Season

One of my most treasured childhood traditions during this season of celebration was watching the beloved Charles Shultz, A Charlie Brown Christmas on television. The story and life themes within that program always set me in the right mood for...