Trees are an often overlooked structure in our outdoor landscapes today. I can recall hours of fun as a kid climbing the maples that lined our street. The lower branches were just slow and sturdy enough to use as a trapeze or pull up from the ground to start my ascent into the tree....
“Wizard’s Wand” for Weeds

It is July and the broad leaf, ground vetch, clover and other assorted weeds are taking up residence in my gardens. Gratefully, my formula for timing of my spring clean up, organic mulch applications and fertilization of my shrubs and perennials have deterred a good deal of nuisance weeds. This dry hot, weather brings...
Groundhog: Nothing Cute About It in the Garden
Yes, this year I feel like Bill Murray battling the groundhog at the country club in Caddyshack, minus the great Kenny Loggins soundtrack! With the increasing urbanization of our area, open spaces where groundhogs routinely reside are diminishing, driving them in mass to many private and public gardens. Their paths of destruction include:...
Kids Gardening Lessons

Late last month we witnessed the closing of Toys R Us, the retail giant where I spent many hours purchasing the latest toys during my girls’ childhood years. That little jingle: “I want to be a toys r us kid” still resonates in my memory banks. And although I am saddened by the demise...
No Till Gardening

If you are planning a new garden area this season, conventional wisdom tells us we should begin by digging up and turning over the soil. I too subscribed to that framework for my first few years in gardening. Growing up in a farm rich region I remember the lot next to my house being...
It’s Seed Starting Season

After back to back “Nor’easters”, I need something to get me out of this “winter funk”. Enter “Seed Starting”. That wonderful time between February and March when I make my tentative growing plans, check out the new seed offerings, place my orders, collect my packets and get my first taste of gardening for the...
Winter Garden Challenges

Taking a walk around your gardens during this week’s warmer temps you may notice some disturbing changes in your shrubs. Winter weather challenges our woody plants in many ways. Even if you are vigilant in selecting plants hardy to our region, variable weather conditions can create problems that begin to show winter garden challenges...
2018 Garden Resolutions or Commitments
We are now completing the first full week of the New Year. Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions? In the month of January I often take a look back at my previous garden season to generate personal goals For 2018, I am establishing a new focus. I have decided to forgo the use...
A Harvest for the Local Hungry

The garden season has ended. Here in the North Country the favorable fall weather extended our 2017 season a few extra weeks. I am certain this contributed to the bountiful harvest our Saratoga County Plant A Row for the Hungry program experienced this year. This national program, created by the Garden Writer’s Association...
The Value of Leaves
My lawn and gardens are now covered with leaves as a result of this week’s high winds and rain. As I drive through towns I see piles of leaves lining the side of the streets. Eventually those leaves will make their way to the landfill or a composting area. At my house we have...