What are Frost dates? Savvy gardeners plan their garden activities in our region by regional frost dates. A frost date is the average date of the first or last light freeze that occurs in spring or fall. Before vast sea of information available on the internet, local experienced gardeners would take the last full...
Does this Plant Come with an Instruction Manual?

Plant Tag Basics Just like any newly purchased piece of merchandise, a plant comes with its very own use and care manual: the plant tag. It can be a valuable piece to build your garden practice repertoire and assure success for your hard work. Every plant sold, just like the clothing you buy everyday,...
Eco-1 Garden Spray: A “Garden Pup Friendly” Product

Trying to find an effective organically based garden spray is like finding a needle in a haystack. I am sure you can relate to your own trial and error. Each year I read up on a product, source check any reviews and put it to the test. This year, I finally found...
Get Into Your Garden Zone

Not sure what plants will survive in our North Country climate? Plant hardiness zones, also referred to as planting zones or growing zones can help gardeners understand which plants will survive in the region of the U.S. where they are planting. When I first moved to this area 26 years I only knew plants...
Grow a “Greener” Garden in 2019
With the advent of a new year comes many resolutions. How can you resolve to garden “greener” in 2019? My commitment to common sense, sustainable practices, has helped me develop core green principles that will help you grow “greener”: Native Plants Consider using native plants in your landscape. I am by no means a...
Winter Darkness Sheds Garden Light

Last week’s snow was the picture of a winter blanket tucking my gardens in for the next few months, settling in “for a long winter’s nap”. As we enter the darkest days of the year, it is a good time to reflect upon the end of another garden season and look toward the light...
Not Too Late to Plant Spring Bulbs

If you can catch a break between the successive rain events that have plagued our area….it is not too late to plant your spring bulbs! The rain and moderate temperatures have extended your window to create a spring display for next season. A creative spring bulb display can bring early smiles to your garden. ...
Fall Gardening Checklist
Once October arrives, my garden practices shift into end of season focus. I move from a maintenance mode into winter protection and next season dreams. This week’s first frost signals time to prepare my gardens for the winter. A simple Fall Garden Checklist serves as my end of season guide: Good time to divide...
Late Season Gardens

This past Saturday ushered in a new season of gardening. To my mind, the Fall season brings a bit of sadness for me. I wake to darkness and have far less sunlight to spend in my gardens. My husband laughs at me, but I swear the air takes on a different scent. My preparation...
Butterflies: Heaven Sent Garden Spirits

August is the time that I sit back and enjoy the presence of butterflies in my gardens. Those heaven sent spirits give me hours of joy watching them move from stem to stem. There is something soothing and peaceful about time spent with a cup of coffee sitting in the gardens just watching the...