The snow may still have your plant material buried, but it is not too soon to start thinking about what you will see when the snow melts. If you think this winter has taken it's toll on you, consider your...
Pre-season Training for the Gardening Season

This winter has been a tough one for me. The constant snow and bitter cold has left me far less active than usual these winter months. I guess you could count my snow removal efforts over the past two months...
Bringing Mother Nature Indoors with Garden Art

"Every garden maker should be an artist along his own lines. That is the only possible way to create a garden irrespective of size or wealth" -Vita Sackville-West A few weeks ago I was invited to display my "art" at...
Garden Retakes

Passing by an elementary school back in the fall the coming events announcement board read: School photo retakes November 21st. I smiled as I thought back of my elementary days. We had no such thing as "retakes" And that is...
Water Wolves
Last winter as I sat by my patio door, cup of coffee in hand, looking over the pond in my wintry backyard, I noticed a furry black creature walking down my frozen stream bed. My initial thought: oh my cat...
Bones of the Garden

In the winter, the "Bones of the Garden" are finally revealed. Without the distractions of flowers, seasonal ornamental accents and the like, you are able to discern the basic canvas for your next season planning. The recent rain, sunlight and...
Mother Nature’s Winter Blanket

Happy New Year Garden lovers! There is something about the start of a new year that brings hope and enthusiasm for the coming garden season! And what a start to 2014 here in the North Country: lots of snow...
Winter Garden Lessons

This week's snowfall let me know winter is upon us, even though my calendar suggests it has not "officially" arrived. Thus my season of "anticipation" begins. As I look out my office window, mounds of snow cover my pond and...
The Christmas Cactus Competition

A few years back I brought a lovely little "Thanksgiving Cacti" set of plants nestled in a double wicker basket to my host's Thanksgiving dinner celebration. I had long forgotten about this gift until I was visiting the home a...
Real Christmas Trees

With Thanksgiving behind us our attentions now turn to holiday celebrations and for many, finding the perfect Christmas tree to adorn our homes. This holiday staple provides a family memory to pass down through the years. Real Christmas trees date...