It is July and the broad leaf, ground vetch, clover and other assorted weeds are taking up residence in my gardens. Gratefully, my formula for timing of my spring clean up, organic mulch applications and fertilization of my shrubs and perennials have deterred a good deal of nuisance weeds. This dry hot, weather brings...
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Groundhog: Nothing Cute About It in the Garden
Yes, this year I feel like Bill Murray battling the groundhog at the country club in Caddyshack, minus the great Kenny Loggins soundtrack! With the increasing urbanization of our area, open spaces where groundhogs routinely reside are diminishing, driving them in mass to many private and public gardens. Their paths of destruction include:...
Kids Gardening Lessons

Late last month we witnessed the closing of Toys R Us, the retail giant where I spent many hours purchasing the latest toys during my girls’ childhood years. That little jingle: “I want to be a toys r us kid” still resonates in my memory banks. And although I am saddened by the demise...