Last week’s snow storm certainly put a damper on Spring’s arrival on Monday. But hope springs eternal as I prepare myself for a fresh, new season of “digging into gardening”. For several years now, I have dreamed of hosting a garden lovers event here in our area. The opportunity to partner with Longfellows Inn...
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Prime Time for Pruning

Whew…what a storm this week! Although the snow piles in my yard, I will still plan on pruning my garden ornamentals within the next few weeks. Early spring is prime time to do so. This year I guess I will be doing it in my snow versus garden boots! This springs pruning targets...
Tree Inspection Time

Ever think about a quick tree inspection on your property? March is a great time to spend time assessing the status of your trees. This week’s heavy winds brought me out in the yard to collect the fallen branches. It also prompted me to take a good look at the trees that are integral...